Why we need more Europe, after Paris, not less

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

The Paris attacks shocked us. Yet, reacting as this was only an external threat is failing to see the real problem. Applying article 42.7TEU instead of 222TEU is doubtful; suspending Schengen is useless if there is no sharing of intelligence and data. Finally, not respecting the EU budget criteria because of military expenditures, while denying it for growth policies, it is only going to help the cause of anti-EU parties. Should feel like it, I elaborate on these issues on the Huff. Post. and here. In addition, here you can also find my and other experts’ opinion on Russia’s return on the world stage.

I also take this opportunity to announce that – thank you to a Jean Monnet grant – we will be able to continue the work on Women Leadership in International Relations we began in Brussels in July 2013 (here a video).

The Women in Foreign Policy Initiative will be hosted by the Institute for Women Policy Research, one of the most authoritative think tanks on women issues, lead by legendary Heidi Hartman. Together with a number of fantastic colleagues from both the EU and the US we will work on research, publications, outreach activities and trainings. Stay tuned here for more!!!

Wishing you a nice week-end and Happy Thanksgiving!

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