Effective June 1, 2025
BA to MA in English
Bachelor’s-to-master’s programs are linked bachelor’s and master’s degree programs in which the two degrees are conferred sequentially. The BA-to-MA program in English is highly selective and allows exceptional students to complete some coursework toward the MA in English while enrolled as undergraduates. The program may lead to enhanced career employment opportunities, professional training, or doctoral studies. BU English MAs have successfully pursued a variety of public, private, and not-for-profit career paths, including employment in teaching, not-for-profit administration, publishing, writing, research, and technology.
Students in this bachelor’s-to-master’s program must complete all bachelor’s degree requirements before enrolling as master’s students, although they may take graduate courses while enrolled as undergraduates. Students must register for and earn a minimum of 24 units while enrolled as master’s students. Students may apply up to 8 units (500-level or above) from the undergraduate degree to the master’s degree, subject to any conditions described below. For this bachelor’s-to-master’s program, the bachelor’s degree is conferred by the College of Arts & Sciences and the master’s degree is conferred by the Graduate School of Arts & Sciences. Students should consult with the Financial Assistance office to learn how entrance into this bachelor’s-to-master’s program might impact their financial aid.
Information about application requirements and deadlines for bachelor’s-to-master’s programs can be found at The Graduate School’s Bachelor’s-to-Master’s Programs information website.
Applications for the BA-to-MA program in English must be received by March 1 of the sophomore or junior year. Note that this deadline supersedes the later deadline listed on BU’s general Bachelor’s-to-Master’s application website. Also note that the English Department has no fall admission process for the Bachelor’s-to-Master’s program. If the application does not meet the March 1 deadline, a Request for Waiver of Application Deadline must be completed and signed by the department chairperson and submitted with an application. Decisions are typically made by the end of March before students register for fall courses.
Applicants must have completed at least six English courses, including at least three courses at the 300 level or above, by the time of application. They must have received a GPA of 3.7 or above in these courses. Applicants must also have an overall GPA of 3.0 to be considered for the program. Applications must include the BU transcript, two faculty recommendation letters, a writing sample (10 pages, usually drawn from previous coursework), a plan of study, and a personal statement describing the applicant’s interest in the program. A link to the Bachelor’s-to-Master’s application portal can be found here