Using the Engineering Grid for Coursework
If you’re a student taking a class in one of the Linux computer labs, you can run software remotely with the same configuration that the lab computers have, by using the Engineering Grid. Below are some very minimal instructions to get started; see the Engineering Grid instructions page for full details.
Logging In
For off-campus use be sure to connect to the BU VPN first.
Mac OS
- Install XQuartz: and log out and back in
- Open the built-in Terminal application (in Applications, or command-spacebar and type terminal)
- Type ssh -X -Y -C , putting in your own username, and hit enter. You may need to type “yes” to confirm the connection. When it prompts for your password, note that no characters (like asterisks) will be displayed; just type it all in and hit enter.
For future use, just open the terminal and enter the ssh command again.
- Install the free edition of MobaXterm
- Click on the Session button in the MobaXterm toolbar
- Click SSH
- Add these settings under “Basic SSH Settings”:
- Remote host:
- Check off “specify username” and enter your BU username
- Click the “Bookmark Settings” tab and add:
- A session name, like “ENG Grid”
- Once you hit OK the session will launch automatically.
For future use, just start MobaXterm and select the engineering-grid session.
- Open a terminal window
- Enter the command ssh -X , putting in your own username, and hit enter. You may need to type “yes” to confirm the connection. When it prompts for your password, note that no characters (like asterisks) will be displayed; just type it all in and hit enter.
Running Commands
Up to this point, you’re connected to one of the login nodes, but you can’t run anything substantial here. Next type this command, to request a session on a compute node from the “instruction” (computer lab) queue:
$ qlogin -q instruction.q
If you need to connect to a specific system or group, e.g. in the VLSI lab.
$ qlogin -q instruction.q@vlsi11 $ qlogin -q instruction.q@vlsi*
You should now have a remote command-line interface just like the one that shows up in the Terminal program on the lab computers, and can enter commands (like matlab, for example) to run remotely.