BFD Lab Registration Initiative Email
On December 14, 2022 the message below went out to all principal investigators (PIs) and CO-PIs regarding Boston Fire Department (BFD) enforcement activity that would impact BU research laboratories via email:
The Boston Fire Department (BFD) has begun enforcement impacting BU laboratories. The new enforcement relates to the storage of flammable and combustible materials. These directives are outlined in the Fire Control Area Regulations in the Massachusetts State Building Code and Fire Code.
These regulations have existed for several years. However, due to recently identified violations at BU and other local institutions, the BFD Laboratory Inspector is strictly enforcing these regulations. The University contracted a third-party consultant to review each lab building, including building features, fire safety systems, and chemical inventories. The consultant—in coordination with Environmental Health & Safety (EHS), Campus Planning & Operations (CPO), and the BFD—started the review process with CRC buildings. EHS has also generated preliminary chemical inventory reports and identified several labs exceeding chemical storage limits.
To facilitate review, we ask laboratories to reconcile their chemical inventories in BioRAFT. Please reach out to your EHS Safety Specialist if you need assistance. Additionally, EHS will contact labs under review by the external parties.
If you have any questions regarding this initiative or the associated regulations, please reach out to Fire Safety Officer Thom Gorham (617-353-6762,
Kate Mellouk
Associate Vice President for Research Compliance