#!/bin/sh -l # "Set the run time limit for the job. The default is 12 hours. # There is no advantage in queue scheduling when requesting # <12 hours, but as an example this job is set to have a 2 hour limit." #$ -l h_rt=2:00:00 # "Email yourself when the job finishes." #$ -m e # "Join the console output and error files. This is optional." #$ -j y # "Give the job a name, the console output file will be named # econ_stata_demo.oXYZ where XYZ is the job number." #$ -N econ_R_demo echo "==========================================================" echo "Starting on : $(date)" echo "Running on node : $(hostname)" echo "Current directory : $(pwd)" echo "Current job ID : $JOB_ID" echo "Current job name : $JOB_NAME" echo "Task index number : $SGE_TASK_ID" echo "==========================================================" module load matlab/2020b <<<<<<< HEAD matlab -singleCompThread -nodisplay -batch ML_example_1 # matlab -singleCompThread -nodisplay -r "ML_example_1 ; exit" ======= # This will run file ML_example_1.m (However - don't use the .m file extension in the command.) matlab -singleCompThread -nodisplay -batch ML_example_1 # (If you were using Matlab older than 2018b the -batch flag does not exist so you'd use:) # matlab -singleCompThread -nodisplay -r "ML_example_1 ; exit " >>>>>>> 90aa07745da27992b616dee79b05abdfdf0a447e echo "==========================================================" echo "Finished on : $(date)" echo "=========================================================="