Prizes for Academic Excellence in the Economics Master’s Program awarded to Xiao Yang and Beixi Zhou
The first Prizes for Academic Excellence in the Economics Master’s Program were awarded this year to Xiao Yang and Beixi Zhou. Xiao, a graduate of the MA program, was an outstanding student in courses both in the Economics Department and in Mathematics. During his time in the program, he worked as a research assistant for Professor Jianjun Miao and carried out an outstanding math project entitled “Fractals and the Evolution of Political Beliefs.” Next year, he will begin work on his PhD in Economics at the University of Chicago. Beixi is receiving her BA in Economics and Mathematics along with an MA in Economics. She also took numerous PhD courses in Economics while in the program, including the first year Microeconomics as well as Health Economics. Next year, she will begin work on her PhD in Economics at New York University. Funding for this award was provided by alumni Randy Cohen, Brian Herr, Michael Kheyfets, and Michelle Meyer.