Dr. Les Kaufman

As laboratory director and Professor I am involved in every aspect of research in my laboratory, and am a Principle Investigator on all collaborative projects. Please visit the student pages and project descriptions to get a detailed description of my work, or visit my

Biology Department Web Page for a general description of my interests.


Boston University Marine Program

Department of Biology

Boston University

5 Cummington Street

Boston, MA 02215

Phone: (617) 353-5560

Fax: (617)353-6340

E-Mail: lesk@bio.bu.edu



The Johns Hopkins University, Bachelor of Arts, 1974


The Johns Hopkins University, Doctor of Philosophy, 1980

Theoretical Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Professional Positions


Associate Professor of Biology

Boston University, Boston, MA


Chief Scientist, Edgerton Research Laboratory

New England Aquarium, Boston, MA


Senior Scientist for Ecology and Conservation Biology

New England Aquarium, Boston, MA


Curator of Exhibit Research and Development/Research Scientist

New England Aquarium, Boston, MA


Curator of Education/Research Scientist,

New England Aquarium, Boston, MA


Associate in Ichthyology, Museum of Comparative Zoology,

Harvard University


Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Biology,

University of Massachusetts, Boston MA


Associate Research Scientist, Chesapeake Bay Institute,

Baltimore MD


Society for Conservation Biology

Ecological Society of America

American Association for the Advancement of Science

American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists

Population Biologists of New England

Sigma Xi

American Association of Zoological Parks and Aquariums

Examples of Recent Professional Services

For the World Conservation Union (IUCN):

Chairman, Captive Breeding Specialists Groups for Aquatic Species

Member, Freshwater Fish Specialist Group

For the Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment (SCOPE):

Chairman, Committee for Ecosystem Function of Open Ocean Biodiversity

Working Group Leader, Global Biodiversity Assessment

For the East African Region:

Team Leader, Lake Victoria Research Team (Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania)

Scientific Liason, Directorships of the East African Fisheries Research Institutes

Advisor to the Director, Kenya Wildlife Service

Consultant, The World Bank

Consultant, Winrock International

For the American Association of Zoological Parks and Aquariums:

Committee on Field Conservation

Scientific Director, Lake Victoria Fishes Species Survival Plan (SSP)

Freshwater Fish Taxon Advisory Group (TAG)

For the Pew Charitable Trusts:

Selection Committee, Pew Scholars Program for Conservation and the Environment

For the National Science Foundation:

Grant review panel member

Ad-hock reviewer, various divisions including Ocean Sciences, Ecology, Biotic Resources

For the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Grant review panel member

Ad-hock reviewer

For the National Research Council

Committee on Biodiversity Conservation

Advisory Boards

Pew Scholars Program for Conservation and the Environment

Tufts Center for Animals

Massachusetts Board for Rare and Endangered Species


New England Aquarium

Editorial Services

Associate Editor: Conservation Biology

Reviewer: MIT Press, Ecology, Ecological Monographs, Science, Copeia, Canadian Journal of Zoology, Estuarine and Coastal Marine Science, Environmental Biology of Fishes, Marine Biology, Evolution, Coral Reefs, Oceanography, Ecological Economics, etc.

Recent Invited Lectures

"Conservation and Adaptive Management in East African and New England Fisheries," Tufts University (October, 1997)

"Evolutionary Landscapes and East African Cichlids," University of New Hampshire (October, 1997)

"Evolution and Conservation of Lake Victoria Haplochromines," Harvard University (March 1998)

"Mechanisms Underlying Explosive Adaptive Radiation in Lake Victoria Fishes," Wesleyan University (May 1998)

"Use of DNA Microsatellite Markers to Study Genetic Diversity in Lake Victoria Oreochromis spp.," University of Southampton (July 1998)

Selected Past Invited Lectures

3rd European Congress on Ichthyology

5th International Congress on Breeding Endangered Species

Agency for International Development (Washington and Kampala, Uganda)

American Association of Zoological Parks and Aquariums

American Society of Zoologists Public Forum on Biodiversity

Association of Systematic Collections

Australian Institute of Marine Science

Brandeis University

Center for Coastal Resources

Freshwater Fisheries Research Institute (Uganda)

Geological Society of America

Gordon Medical Research Conferences

Harvard University

Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute

Michigan State University

National Science Foundation Division of Biotic Resources

National Research Council

New Zealand National Museum of Natural History

New England Environmental Congress

Northeastern University

Northeastern University Marine Science Center

Pan-African Fisheries Congress, Nairobi (plenary speaker)

Ohio State University

Pew Fellows Program

Princeton University

Tufts University Veterinary School

UMass Boston

University of Hawaii

University of Maryland

University of Maine

University of Rhode Island

USVI Open International Marlin Tournament

Honors and Awards


Pew Scholar for Conservation and the Environment


Comparative Medicine Scholar of the Year, Tufts University


Plenary speaker, Gordon Medical Research Conference

Recent Grants and Contracts

2001-2002 Packard Foundation, $105,000 to assits the state of California in adaptive ecosystem management of their nearshore marine resources.
2001 New England Sea-Grant, $7000 to investigate culture induced feeding abnormalities in Tautog, Tautoga onitis.
2000-2002 Packard Foundation and Columbia University, $12,000 plus $16,000 to utilize the Biosphere2 Oceanarium to investigate the relationship between fish diversity, CO2 levels, and coral growth.


Pew Charitable Trusts, $26,500 (year 1 = $6500) for studies of anthropogenic disturbance to fish recruitment and survivorship processes at Portland Bight, Jamaica (PI, with P. Espeut, T. Goreau and T. McClanahan).


Mudge Foundation, $40,000 for studies of anthropogenic disturbance to fish recruitment and survivorship processes on Stellwagen Bank (PI, with P. Auster and M. Ruth).


Kendall Foundation, $59,500 for studies of anthropogenic disturbance to fish recruitment and survivorship processes on Stellwagen Bank (PI, with P. Auster and M. Ruth).


National Science Foundation, to study historical ecology of Lake Victoria cichlids in peripheral refugia, $120,000 (with L. and C. Chapman and T. Crisman)


US Army, $110,000 component of Johnston Atoll Science Study, to examine relationship of coral and fish biology to anthropogenic disturbance (with P. Lobel).


Conservation Food and Health Foundation, $25,000 to study effects of logging on population genetics of tropical forest trees (PI, for research by grad student, Elizabeth Stacy)


National Science Foundation, for field study of geographical and physiological population isolating mechanisms in the Lake Victoria Basin $40,900 (PI, with Lauren and Colin Chapman).


National Science Foundation, to study the evolutionary genetics of the Lake Victoria cichlids (with P. Fuerst, Ohio State University) $180,000.


Kalkan Pet Care, Inc., $18,000, for research toward a field guide to the fishes of Lake Victoria and the White Nile Headwaters (PI).


National Geographic Society, to study swamp refugia and corridors in the Lake Victoria basin, $22,510. (with Lauren Chapman, Colin Chapman, and Mark Chandler).


Pew Charitable Trusts, for research basic to the conservation of aquatic species and habitats, $150,000 unrestricted fund + $6000 seed funds for studies of anthropogenic disturbance to fish recruitment and survivorship).

Previous Grants and Contracts


National Marine Fisheries Service, to study the biology of bluefin tuna $900,000 (PI).


National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, for Technical Workshop on Methods for Remote Sensing of Coral Reef Degradation (PI, with C. Yentsch, University of Maine and C. Mazel, Massachusetts Institute of Technology) $10,000.


Saltonstahl-Kennedy Foundation, for studies on morbidity and mortality of groundfish bycatch in New England (PI, with Dr. A. Carr, Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries) $300,000.


National Institutes of Health, to study fish as models for skeletal regulation in humans (PI, with Dr. Julie Glowacki, Brigham and Women's Hospital) $700,000.


National Science Foundation, for Lake Victoria workshop $60,000 (PI).


National Science Foundation, for studies on limnology and fish extinctions in Lake Victoria, $40,000 (PI).


National Marine Fisheries Service, to initiate creation of a candidate species list for marine threatened and endangered species $10,000 (PI).


Institute for Museum Services, to complete draft master plan for Species Survival Program for endangered cichlid fauna of Lake Victoria, East Africa $50,000 (PI).


United States Virgin Islands Fisheries and Wildlife Department, to study stress physiology and conservation of blue marlin $35,000 (PI).


Conservation Food and Health Foundation to train a Kenyan graduate student in fish conservation work. $7,000 (PI).


National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration for studies on coral reef fish recruitment and community stability (PI, with Dr. John Ebersole). $25,000.


National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration grant for Lake Victoria Research Team (ongoing support for field logistics), $13,000 (PI).


Institute for Museum Services, to study changes in gut microflora of aquarium fishes exhibiting "failure to thrive syndrome" (with P. Boyle). $25,000.


National Science Foundation, Office of Informal Science Education, for creation of "The Thinking Gallery", an inquiry driven aquarium gallery to assist children in acquiring creative and rational thinking skills. $275,000 (PI).


National Science Foundation Australia-U.S. Cooperative Program, for "Case study of a guild of plankton-eating reef fishes in Australia" (PI, with Dr. J. R. Strickler and Dr. David McB. Williams) $21,000.


Institute for Museum Services, to study effects of diet on the nutrition and health of captive fishes (PI, with P. Boyle and P. Sieswerda) $25,000.


National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration for study of coral reef fish community structure (PI, with J. Ebersole) $22,000.


UMass Public Service Grant for toxicology in Boston Harbor, $15,000 (PI, with Michael Shiaris and Bob Egenhouse).


1 Hanlon, R. and L. S. Kaufman. 1976. Associations of seven West Indian reef fishes with sea anemones. Bull. Mar. Sci. 26(2): 225-232.

2 Kaufman, L. S. 1976. Feeding behavior and functional coloration of the Atlantic trumpetfish, Aulostomus maculatus. Copeia 2: 377-388.

3 Adey, W. H., P. J. Adey, R. Burke and L. S. Kaufman. 1977. The Holocene reefs of Eastern Martinique, French West Indies. Atoll Research Bull. 218: 1-40.

4 Kaufman, L.S. 1977. Threespot damselfish: effects of benthic biota of Caribbean coral reefs. Proceedings, Third International Coral Reef Symposium, University of Miami: 559-564.

5 Kaufman, L.S. 1979. Damselfish gardens on Caribbean reefs: A natural disturbance and its effects on benthic biota. The Johns Hopkins University. Ph.D. Thesis.

6 Becker, D.S., J.A. Conte and L.S. Kaufman. 1979. A bathymetric survey of the proposed Church Creek power plant site. Chesapeake Bay Institute, The Johns Hopkins University, Spec. Rept. 73, Ref. 79-4.

7 Becker, D.S. and L.S. Kaufman. 1979. Status of commercially important bivalves near the proposed Church Creek power plant site. Chesapeake Bay Institute, The Johns Hopkins University, Spec. Rept. 75, Ref. 79-6.

8 Kaufman, L.S., R.G. Otto and P. Miller. 1980. On distribution and abundance of juvenile fishes is the Upper Chesapeake Bay. Chesapeake Bay Institute, The Johns Hopkins University, Spec. Rept.. 78, Ref. 80-1.

9 Kaufman, L.S., D.S. Becker and R.G. Otto. 1980. Patterns of distribution and abundance of macrobenthos at Taylors Island, Maryland, with implications for monitoring programs. Chesapeake Bay Institute, The Johns Hopkins University, Spec. Rept. 81, Ref. 80-4.

10 Woodley, J., et al. 1981. Hurricane Allen: Initial impact on the coral reef communities of Discovery Bay, Jamaica. Science 214: 749-755.

11 Kaufman, L.S. 1981. There was biological disturbance on Pleistocene coral reefs. Paleobiology 7(4): 527-532.

12 Kaufman, L. S. and K. F. Liem. 1982. Fishes of the Suborder Labroidei (PISCES: Perciformes): Phylogeny, ecology, and evolutionary significance. Breviora 217: 1-19.

13 Kaufman, L. S. 1983. Effects of Hurricane Allen on reef fish assemblages near Discovery Bay, Jamaica. Coral Reefs 2: 1-5.

14 Ono, R. D. and L. S. Kaufman. 1983. Muscle fiber types and functional demands in fish feeding mechanisms. Journal of Morphology 177: 69-87.

15 Liem, K. F. and L. S. Kaufman. 1984. Intraspecific macroevolution: functional biology of the polymorphic cichlid species Cichlasoma minckleyi. In: Evolution of Species Flocks. A. A. Echelle & I. Kornfield (eds.), pp. 203-215.

16 Kaufman, L. S. and J. P. Ebersole. 1984. Microtopography and the organization of two assemblages of coral reef fishes in the West Indies. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 78: 253-263.

17 Hatch, J. and L.S. Kaufman. 1986. In the shadow of skyscrapers - bringing back the wild life of urban estuaries. Aquasphere, Journal of the New England Aquarium p. 7-10. (semipopular article)

18 Kaufman, L. S. and K. E. Mallory (eds.). 1986, 1993. The Last Extinction. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. (scholarly book)

19 Kaufman, L. S. 1993. Why the ark is sinking. Chapter One in: The Last Extinction (2nd ed.). MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.

20 Kaufman, L. S. 1987. Functional groups and the search for compensatory mechanisms in the population dynamics of North American freshwater fishes. pp. 4-1 to 4-15 In: R. G. Otto (ed.) Mechanisms of Compensatory Response of Fish Populations. EPRI EA-5202.

21 Kaufman, L. S. 1987. Caught between a reef and a hard place: Why aquaria must invest in captive propagation. pp 365-362 In: Proceedings of the National Meeting of the American Association of Zoological Parks and Aquaria.

22 Kaufman, L. S. 1987. Fish populations: Light at the start of the tunnel. Conservation Biology 1(3): 265-266. (book review)

23 Kaufman, L. S. 1988. The role of developmental crises in the formation of buttresses: A unified hypothesis. Evol. Trend. Plants 2(1): 39-51.

24 Kaufman, L. S. 1988. Marine diversity, the sleeping dragon. Conservation Biology 1(4): 307-308. (editorial)

25 Kaufman, L. S. 1990. Challenges to fish faunal conservation programs as illustrated by the captive biology of Lake Victoria cichlids. In: Proceedings of the 5th International Congress on Breeding Endangered Species, Univ. Cincinnati.

26 Kaufman, L. S. 1991. Progress in the conservation of endemic fishes from Lake Victoria. pp 403-408 In: AAZPA 1991 Annual Conference Proceedings 15 July 1991, San Diego, CA.

27 Kaufman, L. S., J. Ebersole, J. Beets and C. MacIvor. 1992. A key phase in the recruitment dynamics of coral reef fishes: postsettlement transition. Environmental Biology of Fishes 34:109-114.

28 Kaufman, L. S. 1992. Catastrophic change in species-rich freshwater ecosystems, the lessons of Lake Victoria. Bioscience 42:846.

29 Kaufman, L. S. (Ed.) 1993. People, Fisheries, Biodiversity, and the Future of Lake Victoria. ERL Special Publication 93-3, New England Aquarium, 68 pp.

30 Kaufman, L. S. and P. Ochumba. 1993. Evolutionary and conservation biology of cichlid fishes as revealed by faunal remnants in lake Victoria. Conservation Biology 7(3):719-730.

31 Kaufman, L. S. and A. Cohen. 1993. The Great Lakes of Africa. Conservation Biology 7(3):632-633. (lead editorial)

32 Kaufman, L. S. 1993. The Challenge of the World's Great Lakes. Conservation Biology 7(3):447-449.

33 Gophen M., P.B.O.Ochumba, U. Pollingher and L.S. Kaufman. 1993. Nile Perch (Lates niloticus) invasion in Lake Victoria (East Africa). Verh. Internat. Limnol. 25:856-859.

Publications Since Appointment to BU

34 Chapman, L. J., L. S. Kaufman and C. A. Chapman. 1994. Why swim upside down: A comparative study of two synodontid catfishes. Copeia.

35 Andrews, C. and L.S. Kaufman. 1994. Captive Breeding Programmes and their role in fish conservation. Creative Conservation. pp. 338-351.

36 Hecky, R., F. Bugenyi, P. Ochumba, M. Gophen, L. Kaufman. 1994. Recent evolution of permanent anoxia in the hypolimnion of Lake Victoria, East Africa. Limnology and Oceanography 39:1476-1481.

37 Smith-Vaniz, W., L. S. Kaufman and J. Glowacki. 1995. The natural history of fish hyperostosis: cellular bone within an acellular skeleton. Marine Biology 121:573-580.

38 Gophen, M., P. B. O. Ochumba, L. S. Kaufman. 1995. Some aspects of perturbation in the structure and biodiversity of the ecosystem of Lake Victoria (East Africa). Aquat. Living Resour. 8: 27-41.

39 Van Staadan, M. Robert Huber, L. S. Kaufman, K. F. Liem. 1995. Brain evolution in cichlids of the African Great Lakes: Brain and body size, general patterns, and evolutionary trends. Zoology 98:165-178.

40 Kaufman, L. 1995. "Touch one strand, and the whole web shivers." (Harte, J. The Green Fuse: An Ecological Odyssey). Conservation Biology 9(2):470-471. (book review)

41 Kaufman, L. 1995. Building An Agreement on Marine Conservation Needs. (Norse, E. Marine Biological Diversity). Conservation Biology 9(3):696-698. (book review)

42 Chapman, L.J., C.A. Chapman, L.S. Kaufman, and E. McKenzie. 1995. Hypoxia tolerance in twelve species of East African cichlids: Potential for low oxygen refugia in Lake Victoria. Conservation Biology 9:1-15.

43 Kaufman, L. S. and F. Zaremba. 1995. Conservation Research in Aquariums: The Social Contract. American Association of Zoological Parks and Aquaria (AAZPA), Spec. Pub. 2.

44 Kaufman, L. S. and O. Seehausen. 1995a. Cichliden von der ugandischen und der kenianischen Viktoriaseekuste. Pp. 147-153 In: von Drachenfels (Ed.). Cichliden: Festschrift zum 25jahrigen Jubilaum der DCG.

45 Kaufman, L. S. and O. Seehausen. 1995b. Cichliden aus anderen Seen des Viktoriasee-Beckens. Pp. 153-155 In: von Drachenfels (Ed.). Cichliden: Festschrift zum 25jahrigen Jubilaum der DCG.

46 Kaufman, L.S., L. J. Chapman and C. Chapman. 1996. The Great Lakes. pp. 178-204 In: T. R. McClanahan and T. P. Young (Eds.). Ecosystems and their Conservation in East Africa. Longman Press, London.

47 Sackley, P. and L. S. Kaufman. 1996. Influence of congenerics on the foraging height of Chromis nitida, a planktivorous coral reef fish. Copeia 1996(3):726-729.

48 Chapman, L.J., C.A. Chapman, R. Ogutu-Ohwayo, M. Chandler, L. Kaufman, and A.E. Keiter. 1996. Refugia for endangered fishes from an introduced predator in Lake Nabugabo, Uganda. Conservation Biology 10:554-61.

49 Sanderson, L. M. C. Stebar, K. L. Ackermann, S. H. Jones, I. E. Batjakas, and L. Kaufman. 1996. Mucus entrapment of particles by a suspension-feeding tilapia (Pisces:Cichlidae). Jour. Exp. Biol. 199:1743-1756.

50 Duan, W., G.C. Booton, L. Kaufman, M. Chandler and P.A. Fuerst. 1996. Phylogenetic analysis of haplochromine cichlid taxa utilizing DNA heteroduplex separation techniques. In: E.M. Donaldson and D.D. MacKinlay (eds.), Aquaculture Biotechnology, Symposium Proceedings of the International Congress on the Biology of Fishes, American Fisheries Society, p. 95-104.

51 Mwanja, W., L. Kaufman, M. Chandler and P.A. Fuerst. 1996. Population and stock characterization of Lake Victoria tilapiine fishes based on RAPD markers. In: E.M. Donaldson and D.D. MacKinlay (eds.), Aquaculture Biotechnology, Symposium Proceedings of the International Congress on the Biology of Fishes, American Fisheries Society, p. 115-124.

52 Wu, L., G.C. Booton, L. Kaufman, M. Chandler and P.A. Fuerst. 1996. Use of DNA microsatellite loci to identify populations and species of Lake Victoria haplochromine cichlids. In: E.M. Donaldson and D.D. MacKinlay (eds.), Aquaculture Biotechnology, Symposium Proceedings of the International Congress on the Biology of Fishes, American Fisheries Society, p. 105-114.

53 Lindholm, J. L. Kaufman, P. Auster, M. Ruth, C. Safina. 1996. In search of new answers for New England's groundfishery: The role of habitat in the future of overfished species. Living Ocean News 1995-1996:4-7). (semi-popular article).

54 Chandler, M., L. S. Kaufman, and S. Mulsow. 1996. The Open Ocean. Pp. 393-399 In: The Global Biodiversity Assessment. Scientific Committee On Problems in the Environment (SCOPE).

55 Chandler, M., L. S. Kaufman, and S. Mulsow. 1996. Human impact, biodiversity and ecosystem processes in the open ocean. In: H. A. Mooney, J. H. Cushman, E. Medina, OI. E. Sala and E. -D. Schulze (Eds.). Functional Roles of Biodiversity: A Global Perspective. John Wiley and Sons Ltd. Pp. 431-474.

56 Kaufman, L. S. 1996. Lake Nawampasa, Uganda. Cichlid News 5(4):17-21. (semi-popular article)

57 Cohen, A., L. S. Kaufman, and R. Ogutu-Ohwayo. 1996. Anthropogenic impacts and conservation efforts on the African Great Lakes- A review. In: The Limnology, Climatology, and Palaeoclimatology of the East African Lakes (Ed. T. C. Johnson and E. O. Odada), pp. 575-624. Gordon and Breeach Publishers, The Netherlands.

58 Kaufman, L. S., C. A. Chapman and L. J. Chapman. 1997. Evolution in fast forward: haplochromine fishes of the Lake Victoria region. Endeavour (London) 21(1):23-30.

59 Kaufman, L. S. and P. J. Dayton. 1997. Impacts of marine resource extraction on ecosystem services and sustainability. In: Daily, G. (Ed.), Nature's Services. Island Press. Pp. 275-293.

60 Kaufman, L. S. 1997. A brief introduction to aquarium fishes from Lake Nawampasa. Cichlid News 6(1): 30-31. (semipopular article).

61 Ogutu-Ohwayo, R., R.E. Hecky, A.S. Cohen, and L Kaufman. 1997. Human impacts on the African Great Lakes. Env. Biol. Fish. 50:117-131.

62 Kaufman, L. S. 1997. Asynchronous taxon cycles in haplochromine fishes of the greater Lake Victoria region. S. Afr. Jour. Science. 93:601-606.

63 Batjakas, I.E., R. K. Edgar and L. S. Kaufman. 1997. Comparative feeding efficiency of indigenous and introduced phytoplanktivores from Lake Victoria: Experimental studies on Oreochromis esculentus and Oreochromis niloticus. Hydrobiologia 347:75-82.

64 Fuerst, P., W. Mwanja, L. Kaufman and G. C. Booten. 1997. Genetic phylogeography of introduced Oreochromis niloticus (Pisces:Cichlidae) in uganda. Pp. 87-96 In: K. Fitzsimmons (Ed.). Tilapia Aquaculture Volume 1. Northeast Regional Agricultural Engineering Service, Ithaca.

65 Chapman, C. A., L. S. Kaufman and L. J. Chapman. 1998. Buttress formation and directional stress experienced during critical phases of tree development. Tropical Ecology 14(3):341-350.

66 Lindholm, J., P. J. Auster, L. S. Kaufman and M. Ruth. 1998. A modeling approach to the design of marine refugia for fisheries management. Pp. 138-168 In: N. W. Munro and J. H. M. Wilson (eds.). Linking Protected Areas With Working Landscapes, Conserving Biodiversity. Science and Management of Protected Areas Association. Wolfville, N. S.

67 Mwanja, W. and L. S. Kaufman. 1998. A note on recent advances in the genetic characterization of tilapiine stocks in the Lake Victoria Region. Afr.J. Trop. Hydrobiol. Fish. 6(1&2): 51-53.

68 Kaufman, L. 1998. Knowing the Ocean. Cons. Biol. 12(3):737-738 (book review).

69 Booten, G. C., L. Kaufman, M. Chandler, R. Ogutu-Ohwayo, W. Duan and P. Fuerst. In Press. Evolution of the ribosomal RNA internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS-1) in cichlid fishes of the Lake Victoria region. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution.

70 Chapman, C. A., L. J. Chapman, L. S. Kaufman and A. E. Zanne. In Press. Potential causes of arrested succession in Kibale National Park: growth and mortality of seedlings. African Journal of Ecology.

71 Kaufman, L. S. In Press. The Impact of Species Changes in African Lakes. (book review). Copeia.

Manuscripts in Review

72 L. S. Kaufman and Lippitsch, E. Submitted. Pyxichromis paradoxus (Perciformes: Cichlidae), a new haplochromine species from Lake Edward, East Africa and reassessment of the genus Pyxichromis Greenwood, 1980. Journal of the Biological Society of Washington.

73 Booton, G. C. , L. S. Kaufman, M. Chandler, R. Ogutu-Ohwayo,, W. Duan and P. A. Fuerst. Submitted. Evolution of the ribosomal RNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS1) in the cichlid species of Lake Victoria. Molecular Ecology.

74 Wu, L., L. S. Kaufman and P. A. Fuerst. Submittted. Isolation of microsatellite markers in Astatoreochromis alluaudi and their cross-species amplification in other African cichlids. Molecular Ecology.

75 Wu, L., L. S. Kaufman and P. A. Fuerst. Submitted. Microsatellites reveal regional differentiation of a Lake Victoria cichlid fish. Proc. Nat. Acad. Scie. USA.

76 Mwanja, W., L. S. Kaufman and P. Fuerst. Submitted. Genetic differentiation and characterization of populations of ningu, Labeo victorianus, and two other species of East African Labeo (Pisces: Cyprinidae). Jour. Fish Biology.

77 Fuerst, P. A., W. Mwanja, L. Wu and L. Kaufman. Submitted. Use of DNA microsatellite markers to study genetic diversity in the species of the genus Oreochromis from the Lake Victoria region. Jour. Fish. Biology.

78 Sanderson, L., I. Batjakas and L. Kaufman. Submitted. Particle feeding in the endemic tilapiine Oreochromis esculentus of Lake Victoria, East Africa. Jour. Exp. Biol.

Manuscripts In Preparation:

79 Kaufman, L. S., S. B. Wandera, W. Mwanja and A. Armoudlian. In Prep. "Lost World" species refugia in the valley swamps of Lake Kyoga, Uganda. Conservation Biology.

80 Kaufman, L., L. Chapman and P. A. Fuerst. In Prep. Tempo, mode and mechanism in the evolution of Lake Victoria cichlids. Jour. Fish. Biology.

81 Kaufman, L. S., A. Economakis and O. Seehausen. Paralabidochromis ochumbae sp. nov.: an ecologically plastic taxon from the littoral zone of Lake Victoria. Jour. Biol. Soc. Wash.

82 Mwanja, W., L. Kaufman and P. A. Fuerst. In Prep. Genetic studies of the interaction of native and introduced tilapiines in the Lake Victoria region. I. Genetic structure and hybridization in Oreochromis esculentus. Molecular Ecology.

83 Booten, G. C., M. Black, W. Mwanja, B. T. Jembe, W. O. Ojwang, M. Chandler, L. Kaufman and P. A. Fuerst. In Prep. Use of randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) to study population structure in the East African cichlid fish Astatoreochromis alluaudi. African Jour. Hydrobiol. Fish.

Recent Abstracts

1 Mwanja, W., M. Chandler, L. Kaufman and P. Fuerst. 1995. Population Structure and hybridization in fish: Lake Victoria tilapia studied with randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers. Ohio Jour. Science 94(3).

2 Black, M., G. Booton, M. Chandler, L. Kaufman, and P. Fuerst. 1995. Use of randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) to study population differentiation in the African cichlid fish Astatoreochromis alluaudi . Ohio Jour. Sci. 94(3).

3 Wu, Lizhao, M. Chandler, L. Kaufman, and P. Fuerst. 1995. Development of microsatellite markers in the African cichlid fish Astatoreochromis alluaudi and their use in population genetic studies. Ohio Jour. Sci. 94(3).

4 Fuerst, P.A., W. Mwanja, G. Booton, M. Black, M. Chandler and L. Kaufman. 1995. RAPD'S as genetic markers of population structure and hybridization in Lake Victoria cichlids. Mol. Appr. Mar. Ecol. Evol.

5 Kaufman, L. S. , M. Chandler, L. Chapman and C. Chapman. 1995. Landscape processes and macroevolutionary patterns in East African cichlid fishes. Ann. Meet. Geological Society of America, Northeast Regional Symposium on Tectonics and Biodiversity.

6 Chandler, M., L. Chapman, L. Kaufman, R. Ogutu-Ohwayo, C. Chapman, A. von Bismark. 1995. Wetlands as refugia from predation by introduced species. Bull. Ecol. Soc. America 76(2):43-44.

7 Chandler, M., and L. Kaufman. 1995. In situ conservation efforts of endemic fish biodiversity in the Lake Victoria Basin, East Africa. Zoos, 1995 Nat'l. AZA, Columbus, Ohio.

8 Lindholm, J., L. S. Kaufman, M. Ruth and P. Auster. 1996. A modeling approach to marine refugia. Internationl Society for Ecological Economics, Boston, MA.

9 Lindholm, L. S. Kaufman, M. Ruth and P. Auster. 1996. Biology of yearling groundfishes on Georges Bank: A spatially explicit model. Proceedings 2nd World Fisheries Congress, Brisbane, Australia.

10 Chapman, L. J., C. A. Chapman, L. S. Kaufman and M. Chandler. 1996. Wetlands as refugia from introduced Nile Perch in the Lake Victoria basin of East Africa. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society.

11 Walsh J.T., S. Akashi, L. Kaufman and R.W. Gensemer. 1996. Interactive efects of nutrient availability and heptachlor epoxide treatment on standardized aquatic microcosms. Nov 96 Wash DC Setac Annual meeting.

12 Lindholm, J., M. Ruth, L. S. Kaufman and P. Auster. 1997. Marine refugia as tools in fishery management: A modelling approach to the design of marine refugia. Science and Management of Protected Areas.

13 Mwanja, W., L. Kaufman and P. A. Fuerst. 1997. Randomly amplified polymorphic DNA characterization of ningu (Labeo victorianus, PISCES:Cyprinidae) populations of Lake Kyoga and Lake Victoria basins, East Africa. Ohio Journal of Science 97(2):A-31.

14 Wu, L., L. Kaufman, B. Porter and P. Fuerst. 1997. Genetic variability and inter-population gene flow of Astatoreochromis alluaudi revealed by microsatellite data. Proceedings of the 77th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists: 316-317.

15 Batjakas, I. and L. Kaufman. 1997. Feeding in the tilapiine cichlids of the Lake Victoria Region. Proceedings of the 77th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists.

16 Chandler, M., L. Chapman, R. Ogutu-Ohwayo, L. Kaufman, A. Armoudlian, and A. van Bismarck. 1997. Patterns of Fish Distribution in Response to Multiple Perturbations in the Lake Victoria Basin of East Africa. American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Santa Fe, New Mexico, February 1997.

17 Walsh J.T., L. Kaufman and R.W. Gensemer. 1997. Nutrient constraints on pesticide toxicity in artificial microcosms. JT Walsh, L Kaufman, RW Gensemer. 1997 Northeast chapter Setac Annual Meeting.

18 Mwanja, W., L. S. Kaufman and P. Fuerst. 1998. Genetic differentiation and characterization of populations of ningu, Labeo victorianus, and two other species of East African Labeo (Pisces: Cyprinidae). Tropical Fish Biology, University of Southampton, England.

19 Fuerst, P. A., W. Mwanja, L. Wu and L. Kaufman. 1998. Use of DNA microsatellite markers to study genetic diversity in the species of the genus Oreochromis from the Lake Victoria region. Tropical Fish Biology, University of Southampton, England.

Media and Public Education

since 1995 Research Scholar, New England Aquarium (consultant on conservation, research and education programs, and major exhibits).

1996 Consultant to "The Magic Schoolbus" childrens' science television show

1994 Concept creator, writer, photographer for a mass-distribution CD-ROM on coral reefs, with Peace River Films, WGBH Television, and Arnowitz Productions.

1993 Co-author, "Osaka Aquarium: Ring of Fire" with P. Chermayef and (coffee table book)

1993 Scientific consultant to "Hawaii", a film on the origin, maintenance, and destruction of biological diversity as illustrated by Hawaiian organisms, for NOVA, with Peace River Films, Cambridge.

1991 Conceptual Planner, Kenya National Aquarium and Centre for Aquatic Conservation (with J.H. Prescott and F. Ceravo).

1986-1992 Author or co-author of four childrens' books on aquatic themes.

1985-1990 Scientific/Educational consultant to "The Nature of New England," a weekly news feature aired to a regional audience, co-produced by the New England Aquarium and WBZ-TV, Boston.

1989 Co-author of "The Miracle of Metamorphosis," a proposed episode in the Nature series, on the crucial role of metamorphosis in the lives of commonplace creatures of New England (with N. Goodwin).

1987 Conceptual programmer for proposed major aquaria and environmental centers in Halifax, New York, Charleston, Savannah, Toronto, Harper's Ferry, Chattanooga, Denver, Cleveland, Stuart (Florida) Osaka, Japan, Mombasa, Kenya and Genoa, Italy. (With Lyons/Zaremba & Associates, Boston).

1986 Executive producer, writer for "The Springpool", a 20-minute film about conservation of vernal ponds, for family audience.

1986 Scientific consultant for "Going Places", a NOVA television show.

1986 Project manager, executive producer, cinematographer for "Don't Blink Now," a unique museum exhibit contrasting live animals with videotaped sequences of rare behaviors.

1986 Executive producer, author for "Expedition to a Coral Reef," a filmstrip/tape and award-winning book for elementary school children.

1984 Scientific designer for New England Aquarium's Caribbean Coral Reef Exhibit, a detailed 187,000 gallon facsimile of a Caribbean coral reef.

1984 Project manager, scientific consultant for "Inside the GOT," a 17-minute film and multi-media show detailing the design and construction of the Caribbean coral reef exhibit.

1983 Co-conception, scientific consultant for "The Shape of Things", a film on the origins of form in nature by Peace River Films for NOVA.

1982 Co-conception, development, writing and cinematography for "City of Coral," a film about the ecology of Caribbean coral reefs, with Peace River Films, for NOVA.

1981 Scientific consultant for "Animal Impostors," a film about mimicry in nature, by Peace River Films, for NOVA.