Ranga Myneni

Recent News from the Myneni-Knyazikhin Group

The following are some of the research activities of the Myneni-Knyazikhin group since the start of 2020. – Group members published 6 journal articles, which can be found at http://sites.bu.edu/cliveg/publications/publications-2020/ – Chi Chen defended his doctoral dissertation in May and started a new position joint with UC Berkeley and Lawrence Livermore Nationa Laboratory – Zhenpeng Zuo […]

PhD Students Chi Chen and Taejin Park Co-Author Article on Global Greening in Nature Reviews Earth & Environment

PhD students Chi Chen and Taejin Park (graduated Aug 2019), together with Prof. Myneni co-authored an article in the inaugural issue of the journal Nature Reviews Earth and Environment. The article reports, among other findings, that satellite data and models show global warming could be 20-25% higher were it not for the carbon trapping and […]


Ranga Myneni publishes several articles during the summer of 2019

(1) “Investigating the applicability of Emergent Constraints” published in the journal “Earth System Dynamics” (doi:10.5194/esd-10-501-2019). The article discusses how a measurable variable from the recent historical past can be used to obtain a constrained estimate of change in an entity of interest at a potential future CO2 concentration from multi-model projections. This research is a […]

Chi Chen and Taejin Park publish on photosynthetic activity in Global Change Biology

PhD students Chi Chen and Taejin Park recently published “Changes in the timing of peak photosynthetic activity in northern ecosystems” in Global Change Biology. The authors use the “laws of minimum” as a basis and introduce a new framework where the timing (day of year) of peak photosynthetic activity (DOYPmax) acts as a proxy for […]

Ranga Myneni coauthors article in Nature Communications on emergent constraints

Professor Ranga Myneni has coauthored “Earth system models underestimate carbon fixation by plants in the high latitudes” with colleagues from the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology in Hamburg, where he spent part of his sabbatical period in 2018. The article, published in Nature Communications, reports on using greening sensitivity inferred from the past three decades […]

Yuri Knyazikhin and Ranga Myneni win research projects from NASA’s DSCOVR Program

Professors Yuri Knyazkhin and Ranga Myneni’s proposed research projects were recently selected for three-year funding by NASA under their DSCOVR program. Knyazikhin proposed “DSCOVR EPIC VESDR Product: Algorithm refinement, validation and scientific exploration,” and Myneni submitted “Vegetation hot spot signatures from synergy of EPIC-DSCOVR and EOS/SUOMI sensors to monitor changes in global forests.” According to […]

Chi Chen and Taejin Park publish widely covered article in Nature Sustainability

PhD students Chi Chen and Taejin Park, members of Ranga Myneni and Yuri Knyazikhin’s research group, recently published “China and India lead in greening of the world through land-use management” in Nature Sustainability. NASA and several other organizations issued press releases that were covered widely in various forms of media. The article reports that the […]