Congrats Dr. Matthew Weiser on a successful PhD Defense!

Matthew Weiser, advised by Dr. Cédric Fichot, has successfully defended the PhD dissertation titled “Dissolved Organic Carbon Sourcing and Dynamics in a Mesotidal Salt Marsh Estuary.”

Matthew’s research focuses on the biogeochemistry of marine refractory dissolved organic matter (RDOM), exploring the photochemistry of these molecules and their significance in the global carbon cycle. Using interdisciplinary approaches, his dissertation provides critical insights into the dynamics of dissolved organic carbon in estuarine environments, contributing to our understanding of carbon processing in coastal ecosystems.

Originally from the Chicagoland area, Matthew graduated from Occidental College in Los Angeles, CA, in 2018 with a Bachelor of Arts in Geology and a minor in Biology. At Boston University, he has been a key member of the Fichot Aquatic Optics and Photobiogeochemistry Laboratory, earning recognition for his dedication and academic excellence.

Congratulations, Dr. Weiser! We are so proud of your achievements and can’t wait to see how you continue to advance the field of biogeochemistry.