New Culture of Science Seminar group forming

Come to the planning meeting for an interdisciplinary research and reading group provisionally titled Cultures of Science.

We are casting a wide net, including: history of science and medicine, science and technology studies (STS), philosophy of science; Indigenous Traditional Knowledge; medical humanities; literature, sciences and the arts; environmental humanities; bioethics. Faculty, graduate students, and researchers from the full range of science, humanities, and social science disciplines are welcome.

The goal is to generate collaboration and conversation about pressing issues at the science/culture interchange, starting with a series of faculty-led workshops on recent compelling research that colleagues are engaging with and would like to open up to wider, crossdisciplinary discussion and critique. Rather than presenting formal talks or works in progress, the aim is to generate discussion across and outside our comfort zones, methodologies, and usual spheres of circulation.

Come and share suggestions for readings/topics, questions, lab visits, possible future invited speakers, or just to meet colleagues interested in science studies broadly conceived. Bring your lunch (if you like) and drop in when you can.

Tuesday Sept. 18, 12-2PM in CAS 132 

Questions/ideas: Adriana Craciun, Emma MacLachlan Metcalf Chair of Humanities,