POV: Not Just for Online: Enhancing In-Person Teaching with Blackboard
A Learning Management System (LMS), like Blackboard, can provide faculty opportunities to deliver content and engage students in their courses beyond the traditional posting of grades and required readings. These platforms can be leveraged to create inclusive learning spaces, provide learning support and engagement opportunities for students in new and interactive ways, and take advantage […]

POV: Reflections on AI and Education from the NERCOMP 2024 Conference
Every year, staff members on our team attend the NorthEast Regional Computing Program (NERCOMP) conference and report back on key takeaways. This conference is designed to provide a space for higher education technologists to build expertise and share information with one another. In this POV, Shipley Center Project Manager Laura Nooney shares her insights with […]
Gratitude and Farewell: Reflecting on Our Journey Together
Chris’ departure from DL&I marks the end of an era that saw BU through the advent of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) and the Online Master’s in Business Administration (OMBA), surviving the COVID pandemic, and the rise of artificial intelligence (AI). As Chris embarks on this new chapter in his journey, we want to extend […]

Unbridled Potential: Harnessing Generative AI in Higher Education
The stampede of ChatGPT in November 2021 began a wild ride that caught most of us in higher education off guard and knocked us off our metaphorical academic horse. Its rapid advancement feels like trying to control a bucking bronco as it forcefully kicks its way into our offices, classrooms, and lives, challenging us to […]

Transforming Large Courses at BU: Innovating in the Lecture Hall
The Challenge of Large Lecture Courses Large lecture courses, while necessary in a sizable university like ours, present a unique set of challenges. They often lack personalized attention and support for students, and the size and design of the space can make it difficult to implement active learning strategies. This one-size-fits-all approach can inadvertently marginalize […]

POV: Navigating the Future of Higher Education: Learning Analytics Unveiled
Today’s education contexts have become more complex and dynamic than ever. What are the main factors influencing student success or failure in a course? How can we identify at-risk students and provide timely additional support? These questions are central as educators strive to develop a deeper understanding of learners and the vast possibilities of teaching […]

EdTech Watch List 2023
Digital innovative technology is on the minds of faculty, students, and higher ed leadership broadly. What’s next and what educational technology trends should you be watching? Digital Learning & Innovation’s Educational Technology team crafted a technology-rich list of trends to have on your radar as you prepare for classes this academic year. ChatGPT-4 Amod Lele, […]

POV: Navigating the Landscape of Generative AI in Education
As we step into the new academic year, I extend a warm welcome to each and every one of you. The Fall semester promises to be another exciting period of intellectual discovery, pedagogical innovation, and collaborative growth. One pressing issue for many is the role of generative AI in education. AI technologies like GPT-4 have […]

POV: Learning Community on Universal Design for Learning
Just as a curb cut in the sidewalk helps not only people who use wheelchairs, but also people with strollers, bicycles, or suitcases, a Universal Design for Learning (UDL) approach – in which we anticipate, and proactively design for, variability in learners – has the potential to benefit all students. UDL is a teaching framework […]

POV: Reflections on Educational Innovation from the NERCOMP 2023 Conference
In March 2023, Shipley Center for Digital Learning & Innovation project managers, Diana Marian and Diane Carroll, attended the annual NorthEast Regional Computing Program (NERCOMP) Conference in Providence, Rhode Island. In partnership with EDUCAUSE, the conference covered multiple focus areas, including data-driven decision-making, leadership and organizational development, teaching and learning, and innovating student success. Regarding […]