Simplify Grading With Gradescope
Gradescope helps you seamlessly administer and grade all of your assessments, whether online or in-class. Save time grading and get a clear picture of how your students are doing via advanced statistical tracking and trending. No more late night meetings crammed into an office with piles of papers to grade.
Who Can Use It?
Faculty and Teaching Assistants can use Gradescope for grading quizzes, exams, or homeworks.
Ways to Use Gradescope in the Classroom
- Create group assignments
- Streamline grading workflow: cut down on collecting, transporting, and returning graded papers
- Promotes student equity: help create a grading standard
- Accelerates feedback loops
- Support existing assessments
- Integrated with Blackboard including the Gradebook
- Student grading statistics and data trends
- Ability to grade assignments and add comments
- Ability to re-grade assignments
- Create group assignments
- Grade written exams and quizzes online (document scanning)
- Create fully online exams and quizzes
- Virtual grading of assignments (with comments)
- Streamline grading workflow
- Promotes student equity: helps create a grading standard
- Promotes grading flexibility: can grade assignments with rubrics, give half-credit or deduct points with explanations
- Delegate grading of assignments or specific questions to TAs or TFs
- Allow for easy re-grading and answering of student questions / grade disputes
- Can grade written assignments and give feedback
Learn More About Gradescope
Connect with an Educational Technologist at or view the EdTech training schedule.