“Behind the Scenes” of Predoctoral Matriculation Week: How Erica Stocks, GSDM Student Affairs Director, organizes the event-filled week for incoming DMD and DMD AS Students

For the fourth installment of our ongoing “Behind the Scenes” series, we spoke with Erica Stocks, GSDM student affairs director, about how she designed and planned the first week of dental school for this year’s incoming students, the DMD Class of 2028 and the DMD AS Class of 2026.

“The Future of Dentistry is in Good Hands:” Annual GSDM White Coat Ceremony Celebrates DMD 26 and DMD AS 25 Classes

More than 200 GSDM DMD and DMD AS students received their white coats during the school’s 2024 White Coat Ceremony, a significant milestone that marks the half-way point in their respective dental programs and their entry into the school’s the Patient Treatment Center. The ceremony took place on June 28 at the Metcalf Hall at the George Sherman Union on the University’s Charles River Campus.

“Behind the Scenes” of Commencement: How Afsheen Lakhani DMD 06 AEGD 07, Director of Group Practices and Clinical Associate Professor of General Dentistry, Prepares as Commencement Announcer

For the third installment of our ongoing “Behind the Scenes” series, we spoke with Afsheen Lakhani DMD 06 AEGD 07, GSDM director of group practices and clinical associate professor of general dentistry, about her journey to becoming our commencement announcer and how she is preparing to read every name from the GSDM graduating Class of 2024 and announce them live to a crowd of loved ones during this year’s Commencement ceremony.

The Gift that Keeps on Giving: Boston University Medical Campus Anatomy Donor Memorial Service Returns as an Annual End-of-Year Tribute

The 2024 Boston University Medical Campus Anatomy Donor Memorial Service, “Garden of Gratitude,” took place on Friday, May 3, in Hiebert Lounge. This was the first BUMC anatomy donor memorial service since 2019. For Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine and Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine students, body dissection is a critical part of their anatomy education, making the memorial service an emotional rite of passage.