Beginning in 1976, when the Headington Quarry Morris Dancers performed
on the Mall in Washington, DC for the U S. Bicentennial celebration,
Dr. Tony Barrand and his students have documented English and North
American groups performing the Morris, Sword, and Clog dances in
public venues.
An Englishman based at Boston University, Dr. Barrand’s archive
includes morris, sword, and clog dancing
which flourished in England in the middle-19th century, was maintained
in a few locations to the present day, and underwent a revival of
interest in the early- to middle-20th century with attention paid
by a variety of collectors both professional and amateur.
By the 1970’s, separate teams numbering in the hundreds could
be found in Britain and North America and in parts of the British
Commonwealth such as Hong Kong, New Zealand and Australia.