Virtue Development and Relational Flourishing

Below are some of the virtues highlighted in our research on Virtue Development and Relational Flourishing. More details about the project can be reviewed here at


Research on humility has increased dramatically in the last decade. We have sought to understand humility within the human experience, and our research and writing has focused on humility in connection with the following:

  • spirituality and religion (e.g., barriers, attachment to God)
  • psychotherapy
  • intercultural competence and social justice
  • racial perspectives
  • depression
  • romantic relationships
  • forgiveness
  • graduate training
Humility Publications



We seek to understand how partner- and self-forgiveness intersect with multiple areas of the human experience, and delineate ways to foster forgiveness to alleviate suffering, and promote healing, growth, and change.

Areas in which we have examined forgiveness include:

  • spirituality
  • romantic relationships (Americans and Indians)
  • couple, family, and group therapy
  • borderline personality disorder
  • cross-culturally (Cameroonians and Americans)
Forgiveness Publications