Hosted by BU CTSI

Sponsored by UMASS CCTS, Tufts CTSI, & Harvard Catalyst

Friday, December 10, 2021, 8:30 AM – 12:30 PM

This half-day symposium is geared towards fellows and early career faculty who are interested in clinical and translation research.

This virtual mentoring event provides networking, panel discussions and one-to-one mentoring with senior faculty from local clinical and translational science institutions. This symposium is an excellent opportunity to obtain career advice from mentors and presenters.

Open to Postdoctoral Fellows and Early Career Faculty in Clinical and Translational Research


  • 8:30 – 9:00 am.: Networking and Introductions
  • 9:00 – 10:00 am.: One-to-One Mentoring Sessions
  • 10:00 – 11:00 am.:Panel #1: Getting to K and Beyond
  • 11:00 am – 12:00 pm.:Panel #2: Exploring Career Opportunities Outside Traditional Academic Pathways
  • 12:00 – 12:30 pm.: Closing Remarks/Questions

Sign-up for your One-to-One Mentoring Sessions: here

The One-to-One Mentoring Session sign-up is on a first come first serve basis.  To participate in the One-to-One mentoring sessions you need to be signed up with a Mentor in the Sign-Up Genius.  Sign-ups must be completed by 5PM on December 9th.  

  1. We ask for you to sign-up for two slots, one for the 9:00AM session and one for the 9:30AM session.
  2. Please sign-up for mentors that are not from your institution (if possible).
  3. Note we are in an oversubscribed situation and we may ask some of you to share your slot with another participant.
  4. If there are no slots available, please sign-up for a waitlist list slot and we will do our best to accommodate everyone.
  5. We will confirm via email on Thursday, December 9th with your assignments.
  6. For the sessions, we ask that you are prepared to screen share your NIH formatted Biosketch(preferred) or CV.

Senior Mentors:

Boston University Megan Bair-Merritt, MD, MSCE Bair-Merritt_Biosketch
David Center, MD Center_Biosketch
David Felson, MD, MPH Felson_Biosketch
David J Salant, MB BCh Salant_Biosketch
Karen Elizabeth Lasser, MD, MPH Lasser_Biosketch
Emelia J. Benjamin, MD, ScM, FACC, FAHA Benjamin_Biosketch
Harvard University Miriam A. Bredella, MD Bredella_Biosketch
Benjamin D. Medoff, MD Medoff_Biosketch
Brian C. Miller, PhD, MD Miller_Biosketch
Paul Andrew Rufo, MD Rufo_Biosketch
Seward Brian Rutkove, MD Rutkove_Biosketch
Williams _Biosketch
Tufts University Lisa Ceglia, MD Ceglia_Biosketch
Chenchen Wang, MD, MSc Wang_Biosketch
Pei-Jung Lin, PhD, MS Lin_Biosketch
Lesley Ann Inker, MD, MS Inker_Biosketch
David M. Kent, MD, CM, MSC Kent_ Biosketch
UMass University Arvin Grag, MD, MPH Grag_Biosketch
Robert Goldberg, PhD Goldberg_Biosketch
Jerry Gurwitz, MD Gurwitz_Biosketch
Catarina I Kiefe, PhD, MD Kiefe_Biosketch
Melissa Dian McKee, MD, MS McKee_Biosketch
Lori Pbert, PhD Pbert_Biosketch
Milagros C. Rosal, PhD Rosal_Biosketch
Ben Steven Gerber MD, MPH Gerber_Biosketch