Program Information
NIH funding is available for supplements to enhance the diversity of the research workforce by recruiting and supporting students, pre-doctorates, post-doctorates, fellows, and junior faculty from groups that have been shown to be underrepresented in health-related research. Awarded funds in the amount of $5,000 to above $100,000 can be used to add new individuals from underrepresented groups onto the research team of funded grants. In all cases, the proposed research experience must be an integral part of the approved, ongoing research of the parent award, and it must have the potential to contribute significantly to the research career development of the candidate. These administrative supplements are available for most research funding mechanisms, including R, U and P-series grants.
Eligible Grants
The BU CTSI maintains a list of
active awards eligible for diversity supplements. This list is updated quarterly.
Candidate Interest Form
If you are a candidate interested in joining the research team of a funded project at BU/BMC, please fill out this interest form. Please carefully review eligibility criteria prior to your request. The BU CTSI strongly recommends that candidates and their mentor confirm their eligibility with the grant’s program officer prior to submitting a supplement.
Principal Investigator Interest Form
If you are a PI of an active research grant at BU/BMC who is interested in matching with a qualified individual in order to apply for a supplement, please fill out this form to designate your grant as actively seeking a candidate and to be contacted by the CTSI in order to discuss your project’s needs.
Contact Us
The streamlined application process has a higher rate of success with a faster turnaround than a standard NIH-application. Please note that these awards are available only to U.S. citizens or permanent residents and must support the approved scope of work and fall within the start and end date of the original project.
If you have questions about the BU CTSI Supplement Matching Initiative please email us at