Speech & Hearing
Researchers at Boston University have a long history of conducting groundbreaking research in the science of speech and hearing, with roots tracing back to work done by faculty member Alexander Graham Bell. Today, Center for Systems Neuroscience faculty continue that tradition, working on topics including the neural bases of language production, auditory perception, song perception and production in birds, and disorders of hearing and language and their treatments.
H. Steven Colburn
Professor Emeritus, Biomedical Engineering
Oded Ghitza
Research Professor, Biomedical Engineering
Frank Guenther
Professor, Speech, Language & Hearing Sciences
Swathi Kiran
Professor, Speech, Language & Hearing Sciences
Tyler Perrachione
Associate Professor, Speech, Language & Hearing Sciences
Kamal Sen
Associate Professor, Biomedical Engineering
Helen Tager-Flusberg
Professor, Psychological & Brain Sciences