The CS Connections program is designed to facilitate communication between our students and potential employers. This service is provided for the benefit of our students and company participation is free. Over the years, we have been contacted by many potential employers; the CS Connections program is intended to provide a central organization of such contacts within our department for our students.
More information about the program and participation
Schedule of CS Connections Events
Thank you for participating in CS Connections events this year. We hope that they were of help to you all.
Career Opportunities and Mailing Lists
- Register for internship mailing list or post an opportunity (moderated)
- Archival list of internship postings
- Register for job mailing list or post an opportunity (moderated)
- Archival list of job postings
- Register for contest mailing list (contests are often sponsored by companies and are used by them to recruit)
- Archival list of contest postings
To post a job or internship to the mailing list, please email with the relevant information.