Amy Appleford

Amy Appleford’s teaching and research are focused on the literature and culture of the English middle ages. She teaches courses on medieval romance; early English drama; European early women writers; Chaucer; Langland; fifteenth-century poetry; disability studies; critical race theory; histories of the body; and history of the English language. Her on-going research interests encompass the interrelations of literature, civic culture, and political thought with Christian belief and practice; medieval women’s visionary writing and mysticism; book history and early text technologies; histories of the body and cultural understandings of embodiment.

She has published on Middle English poetry; early drama and civic culture; late medieval visionary writing; fifteenth-century urban culture; and Shakespeare, in scholarly venues including the Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies; The Chaucer Review; and the Journal of English and Germanic Philology.

Learn about her latest research and activities via her profile page on the website of the Department of English.