Baptisms and Confirmation
Protestant Baptism, Confirmation, and New Members
If you are interested in infant or adult Baptism, Confirmation, or joining the Marsh Chapel Chapter, please contact Dean Robert Hill at the Chapel at 617-358-3394.
The Sacrament of Baptism and the rites of Confirmation and reception of New Members is often held during the Easter Vigil service each year. To participate in this service, please contact Dean Hill.
Joining the Marsh Chapel Chapter can be done in several ways. If you intend to lead your life of faith in and through the community of Marsh Chapel—to love God and neighbor and keep faith in the use of time, talent, and treasure—then we encourage you to join the chapter in one or more of the following ways. All are equally viable and valuable, and represent varieties of experience and interest with which people come to Marsh Chapel.
• You may speak with the Dean about your interest, either by phone or in person. (617.358.3394)
• You may ask to be received as a member at the conclusion of a worship service (often on a communion Sunday, the first Sunday of the month).
• You may stand and answer these questions of faith during Marsh Chapel’s Easter Vigil service in the spring each year, following a meeting or meetings with the Dean.
What if I am a member of another church? Can I belong here too?
Definitely. It is important to remember that, first and foremost, you are a member of the family of God. Many people who are members of another church choose to make Marsh Chapel their second church home and be recorded as a member here as well. We welcome you to do this.
If you would like to join in a more informal fashion, we can most certainly accommodate that as well. Dean Hill is always happy to discuss those matters on an individual basis. Dean Hill can be reached at 617.358.3394 or by email
Roman Catholic Sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation
For information about the Roman Catholic Sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation, contact the Boston University Catholic Center, 617-353-3632.