Meng LIU
Meng LIU is a visiting student. She is a PhD candidate in World History at Shanghai University. Her research field focuses primarily on the history of world Christianity, particularly the indigenization movement of Christianity in Africa. She has published one article “World Christianities: A Perspective from Global and Transnational History” in The World Religious Cultures. She has attended the 2023 World Christianity Conference held by Princeton Theological Seminary as well as other seminars where she has presented her current research about the paradoxical relationship between African Independent Churches (AIC) and Pentecostal Movement in the 20th century.
In her work, Meng LIU focuses on such topics as spiritual churches in the Global South and Global East from an inter-continental perspective, and Christianity and socio-economic changes (Prosperity Gospel) in modern Africa.
She is writing her PhD dissertation on the topic of Zionist Church and Aladura: Spiritual Churches in Sub-Saharan Africa, c. 1920-1950 while at Boston University.