Thinking through Puppets Virtual Presentation
- Starts: 6:30 pm on Friday, April 24, 2020
- Ends: 9:30 pm on Friday, April 24, 2020
Join us as you shelter in place to watch 8 collaborative screen-based puppet shorts based on current BU doctoral and masters research.
Felice Amato, Assistant Professor in Art Education and Jessica Bozek from CAS and KHC lead the "Thinking through Puppets" class. Undergraduate students from this Cross-College Challenge course have created a series of very short works in collaboration with graduate students that explore cutting-edge research, visually and performatively.
Defying the limitations of separation in space (but not in time), watch students as they problem-solve and play with the opportunities of technology in real-time and enlighten you about topics such as critical race theory and gentrification, multicellular biofilms, big data, and sediment nitrogen removal.