“Life in the Age of a Pandemic” photo contest

Update (April 19, 2024) – Winners announced!

First place: “No toilet paper?!” by Jennifer Atkins
a boy standing in an empty aisle of Target
“In the beginning, before reality had set in, I took my kids shopping and we were stunned to see completely empty shelves where there had once been abundant supplies of paper goods (toilet paper, facial tissues, and paper towels). This photo is my very flexible son Shay showing off the empty aisle (and nearly empty store).”
Second place: “Fenway Graduation” by Raina Levin
college graduation ceremony in Fenway Park
“In May 2021, I felt very lucky to have a college graduation at all. My graduation was held at Fenway Park on a surprisingly cold May morning. Students were spaced apart and each allowed only one guest. My aunt, who lives locally, was my guest of honor. While subdued, my graduation still felt festive, a reminder that we could still be together while physically distant.”
Popular choice winners:
“Resilience in Solitude” by Aubrey Odom
man playing guitar wearing a mask
“Street performers and musicians invigorate public spaces with their work. Central Park, a typically bustling hub of activity in New York City, experienced a significant decrease in visitors and foot traffic during the pandemic due to lockdown measures and safety concerns. At this point in time (summer 2021), performers cautiously and slowly rejoined these hubs of public life, taking precautions against COVID-19 including distancing, masking and vaccinations. However, the voices of these performers were often muted by masking, particularly for those performers who were more susceptible to acquiring viral illnesses. This photo illustrates the isolation that many of those performers must have felt who are so dependent on social interaction and entertaining the public as part of their act.
“a new pollution?” by Stephanie Loo
surgical mask on a beach with shells growing on it
“Over three years since I had last been able to see family in SE Asia, I came across a new form of plastic litter on the beach – a discarded mask encrusted with shells. A new form of pollution? How nature adapts to the challenges of the past and the uncertainties of the future.”