For a full explanation of policies and procedures related to the tenure and promotion to associate professor, see the Faculty & Staff Handbook.
Please note that this calendar outlines dates for college-level deadlines. The department should set clear internal deadlines to ensure that the below deadlines are met, especially in regards to materials submitted to the department by the candidate.
See the CAS Faculty and Staff Handbook for full explanation of policies and procedures
Please note that this calendar outlines dates for college-level deadlines. The department should set clear internal deadlines to ensure that the below deadlines are met, especially in regard to materials submitted to the department by the candidate.
2023 | |
October 12 12:30–2 p.m. PHO 906 |
Informational session for all Department Chairs and departmental tenure & promotion coordinators (most commonly the Department Administrator) with 2023/24 tenure and promotion or promotion to Professor cases. |
2024 |
Spring Semester | Student letters should be solicited before the end of the semester. |
January 19 |
Dean sends letter, notifying candidates they will be reviewed for tenure & promotion in the 2023/24 cycle. |
January 25 |
Informational session for all candidates for tenure & promotion (candidates only). |
February 16 |
Department submits list of 20 potential external evaluators to the Tenure & Promotion Coordinator.
Department submits electronic copy of candidate’s CV to the Tenure & Promotion Coordinator. This is the final version of the CV that will be seen by external evaluators. Updates may be submitted separately. Department also submits Candidate Information Sheet to the Tenure & Promotion Coordinator. |
March 1 | By this date Department Chair, departmental tenure & promotion coordinator, and candidate should have met to outline a clear, internal schedule for reaching all of the deadlines in the process at the Department level for the 2024/25 cases. |
April 5 |
Department submits websites** (containing CV, research and teaching statements, and 5 to 12 of the candidate’s most significant publications) to be sent to external evaluators to the Tenure & Promotion Coordinator. Any hardcopy books or manuscripts for the evaluators should also be submitted to the Tenure & Promotion Coordinator at this time. Tenure & Promotion Coordinator send updated letters with dossier to external evaluators as soon as possible. Department submits Candidate Information Sheet to the Tenure & Promotion Coordinator. |
July 19 |
Deadline to send updates to external evaluators, via the Tenure & Promotion Coordinator. |
July 26 | External evaluator letters are due to CAS. They are posted on the CAS T&P web server** as received, accessible to departmental Chair and departmental tenure & promotion coordinator. |
August – timing up to Dept. | Candidate submits completed Part II to the department. Any supporting materials that the department may need to be able to make an informed decision on the case should also be submitted at this time. |
August 16 | Department uploads candidate’s Fall 2024 syllabi and teaching schedule to the CAS T&P web server. |
August 23 | Department posts the candidate’s part II form, publications, supporting materials and student course evaluations on the CAS T&P server. |
September 27 | Department report (full and redacted) due to the Tenure & Promotion Coordinator. Cover Page for Board of Trustees form should be completed and emailed to the Tenure & Promotion Coordinator as a word doc.
Parts I, II, and III (including student letters, classroom visit reports, and core letter profile forms) are uploaded to the CAS T&P web server. The redacted report should be emailed to the Tenure & Promotion Coordinator as a word doc with tracked changes. |
By October 18 |
Candidate receives redacted department report from the Tenure & Promotion Coordinator. |
October-January | CAS APT reviews candidates for Tenure & Promotion. A redacted report is forwarded to the candidate as soon as possible. The Dean reviews candidates for Tenure & Promotion. A redacted report is forwarded to the candidate as soon as possible. |
2025 |
February 1 | Deadline for submission of all materials to the Provost (Tenure & Promotion only). |
By May 15 | Candidates receive notification of the recommendation of the President. |
*Please note that this schedule does not include dates for cases for promotion to Professor.
**Not all hyperlinks are accessible to candidates.