The College of Arts and Sciences has a large number of interdisciplinary programs that are central to our teaching and research missions, and an increasing number of CAS faculty are associated with more than one department, either as full joint or secondary appointments. All faculty appointments – primary or secondary – to departments and programs require a formal process of appointment both for the sake of the faculty involved and the units of which they are a part. This process must clearly define the rights, obligations, and term length of these appointments.

This document details the types of joint appointments and affiliations that are possible in CAS departments and programs. The categories apply to appointments in CAS regardless of whether the faculty member’s primary department is in CAS or at another Boston University school or college. The labels, “full joint appointment,” “joint governance appointment,” and “joint programmatic appointment” are terms used internally to define rights, obligations, and administrative processes; they are not appropriate terms for public documents. The terms  “joint governance” and “joint programmatic” are terms of convenience used to clarify different conditions under which faculty hold secondary appointments as faculty in CAS departments and programs.

All CAS departments and programs should define their current secondary faculty appointments using these categories, review the status of secondary appointments annually, and submit paperwork for new appointments or reappointments by July 1 annually to ensure that the faculty roster is accurate in time for the fall semester. The college has defined the rights and obligations for full joint and joint governance appointments, as detailed below. Departments and programs determine, and must apply consistently, the specific governance rights and term lengths for joint programmatic appointments, following the broad guidelines described below. Appointment paperwork is not required for affiliated faculty; however, it is important to confirm with these faculty annually their continued affiliation and to update websites and other media accordingly.

Faculty with full joint appointments are full members of both academic communities in all senses. If a department and faculty member decide to pursue a full joint appointment, the faculty member will undergo a complete tenure review in the secondary department, even if he/she already holds tenure in another department. A faculty member who is a tenure-track assistant professor in one department who is interested in seeking a full joint appointment in two departments can undergo integrated, simultaneous consideration by both departments. Please contact the Tenure and Promotion Coordinator, Gina Halabi, to discuss the tenure process.

Chairs/Directors and faculty interested in formalizing a secondary faculty appointment should meet together to discuss the specific rights and obligations associated with the different types of secondary appointments and determine what form of appointment would be most appropriate. Chairs/Directors of the proposed secondary unit must consult with the faculty member’s home chair/director in advance to ensure that the joint appointment is compatible with the needs and goals of the home unit. Once a secondary academic appointment is deemed appropriate, an appointment form, including a supporting memo from the chair/director of the home department/program, and a cv, should be routed to the Office of Faculty Actions for approval.

For more information, or for help with any joint appointment, please contact Alex Bellan.