Boston University has offices across campus as well as resources to assist all of our faculty – tenure-track and non-tenure track, full-time and part-time — throughout their time at Boston University. These services offer faculty the support they need for teaching, scholarship, and service, as well as help with the work and life balance. This brief guide provides an outline of and links to many of the resources available to help support faculty at BU.
New Tenure-Track Faculty
To provide support to new tenure-track faculty, every assistant professor is assigned a faculty mentor who, along with the department chair, serves as an anchor relationship to get started at Boston University. Mentors and senior faculty members expect their new colleagues to ask questions and will try to be as helpful as possible. More information on the College of Arts & Sciences mentoring programs can be found at Mentoring Policies and Practices.
Each year the Center for Teaching & Learning sponsors a new faculty orientation at the beginning of the academic year that provides an introduction to the university as a whole and its leadership. The College of Arts & Sciences sponsors a new faculty orientation in October that emphasizes getting to know more experienced faculty colleagues in CAS and hearing their perspectives on the College. We strongly recommend that you attend both orientations.
Offices and Resources
- Faculty Central – A compilation of BU’s resources for faculty.
- Faculty Handbook – Contains BU’s policies for faculty.
- Faculty Development – Provides information and resources to support the recruitment, advancement and retention of an excellent and diverse faculty.
- Part-Time Faculty – Details information and resources specific to part-time faculty.
- Human Resources Website – Includes information for newly hired employees at BU, from pay schedule to parking services.
- BU Libraries – Find links here to all of BU’s 17 libraries.
- Information Services & Technology – Offers university-level support, training, and other services for your computer needs.
- CAS Office of the Dean – A complete directory of the administrative offices in CAS and GRS, contact information, and a description of the roles and responsibilities of each office.
- CAS Faculty and Staff Handbook – Offers a comprehensive guide on CAS policies and resources for faculty and staff.
- Office of STEM Outreach & Diversity – Our STEM outreach programs connect people from diverse backgrounds with immersive hands-on educational experiences at Boston University.
- CAS Information Services & Technology – Keeps faculty and staff updated on IT developments within CAS and is a useful resource for questions on technology. CAS faculty and staff requiring computer assistance can fill out a work ticket for service on their website.
- New Faculty in CAS – Shares a list of new CAS full-time faculty.
- CAS Instructor’s Guide – Provides guidance and resources needed to be an effective instructor.
- Student Academic Advising – Contains information and resources to guide you in helping your students academically.
- Center for Excellence and Innovation in Teaching (CEIT) – Offers opportunities to continue to learn and develop and hone your teaching skills.
- Geddes Language Center – Supports faculty as they introduce new teaching modalities, both in the classroom and online, and supports student academic activity.
- Blackboard Learn for Instructors – Provides guidance on setting up and using the communication tool, Blackboard Learn, used in courses by faculty and students.
- ePortfolio – Allows faculty to evaluate and assess students coursework and aid in advising.
- Classroom Support Services – Offers assistance with the audio and visual needs used during classes.
- Classrooms – Contains pictures of the different classrooms and details what resources are available in them.
- Disability Services – Provides guidance and support in the classroom for students with disabilities.
- Barnes & Noble @ Boston University – Links to book searches and adopting textbooks for your courses.
- Teaching with Technology Faculty Community – This group is to create a network for BU faculty to share ideas and learn new approaches to teaching with digital technologies.
- BU Research Magazine – Discover some of the interesting research taking place at BU.
- BU Research – Learn about the resources and policies of research at BU.
- CAS Office of Research – Discusses the process of submitting grants for CAS faculty.
- Office of Sponsored Programs – Offers guidance on securing grants and explaining policy
- Grant Opportunity Databases – Links to funding databases.
- Humanities Fellowship and Grant Deadlines – Provides a list of available grants, their descriptions, and deadlines for faculty applications.
- Humanities Postdoctoral Fellowships and Grant Deadlines – Provides a list of available grants, their descriptions, and deadlines for postdoctoral fellows.
- Conference Travel Support – Offers opportunities for full-time faculty to receive supplemental domestic and foreign conference travel funds
- Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program – Provides a forum for BU faculty members to identify full-time BU undergraduates to participate in research projects.
- CAS Mentoring Programs – Discusses the CAS mentoring programs and ways to build effective mentoring relationships.
- Women in Science and Engineering – Learn more about the opportunities for the development of women in the sciences and engineering.
- MentorNet – Matches junior faculty to senior faculty at other universities and institutions (Not a BU website).
- Moving Expenses Policy – Useful information on what is reimbursed and tax implications.
- Equal Opportunity Office – Focuses on Boston University’s commitment to equal opportunity and affirmative action.
- Faculty & Staff Assistance Office – Offers a free, confidential helping hand to Boston University employees who may be experiencing difficulties that affect their personal lives or work performance.
- Office of the Ombuds – Offers an opportunity for faculty, staff, and students to have an independent, impartial, confidential and informal problem-solving resource.
- Health and Wellness – Learn about BU’s health benefits and programs.
- Disability Services – Provides guidance and support to members of the BU community with disabilities.
- Center for Anxiety & Related Disorders – Specializes in helping both adults and children address a range of anxiety disorders and related challenges.
- University Chaplains – Provides religious services, guidance, and counseling.
- Resources for Parents – Information and offices available to BU faculty and staff with newborn or adopted children.
- Human Resources – Includes information on benefits, training, and policies, as well as other HR services.
- BUworks Central Portal – Allows easy access to the Employee Self-Service (ESS).
- Part-Time Employee Perks – Benefits and perks offered to BU’s part-time employees.
- BU Rental Management Property – Offers rental opportunities for housing to BU’s faculty, staff, and graduate students.
- Parking Services – Learn where you can park on campus and how to purchase a parking permit or MBTA pass.
- BU Shuttle – Find the schedule for the BU Shuttle (BUS) that connects the Charles River Campus to the Medical Campus.
- BU Email – Allows easy access to your BU email when you are not on campus.
- BU Mobile App – BU’s app for the iPhone provides easy access to BU Today, the calendar, the campus map, the directory, and course descriptions.
- Resources for Retirees – Learn about the benefits and resources available to retired faculty.
Resources for your students:
- Student Academic Advising – Offers information on academics and advising.
- Educational Resource Center – Provides peer tutoring, writing, language, and other academic assistance workshops and programming for students.
- Disability Services – Provides guidance and support to students with disabilities.
- Dean of Students Office – Links to resources and safety information for students.
- Safety & Emergency Information – Lists contact and safety information.
- Student Health Services – Contains resources for students requiring medical care.
- Behavioral Medicine – Provides assistance for students with mental health issues.
- SARP – Sexual Assault Response & Prevention