Here you will find:

  1. General expectations and guidelines for departmental curricular review
  2. Information on how to proceed when review of the curriculum has resulted in a decision by your faculty to revise an existing academic program
  3. Links to information on related aspects of curricular review and resulting actions (e.g., development of new academic programs or courses)

Curriculum. In this context, “curriculum” refers to the whole set of your department’s active courses, including the subset of those courses that fulfill general education requirements, as well as subsets organized and offered as formal academic programs of study.

Academic Programs. Existing academic “degree programs” can be any of the following:

  • Undergraduate Major (e.g., BA in History)
  • Undergraduate Minor
  • Master’s degree
  • Doctoral Degree
  • Dual (undergraduate/graduate or graduate/graduate) Degree
  • Bachelor’s-to-Master’s Program (e.g., BA/MA)
  • Credit-bearing Certificate
  • Non-credit Bearing Certificate

While revision rising to the level of university review typically focuses on changes to a program’s requirements and the way they are structured, other categories of change include the following:

  • Dissolution of an Existing Degree
  • Change in Delivery Format (e.g., from face-to-face to online or blended)
  • Incorporation of Global Programs Activity (e.g., faculty-led short courses abroad)
  • Minor Administrative Modifications (that do not alter academic content)