725 Commonwealth Ave, Room 108
Email: facac109@bu.eduPhone: (617) 353-2404

What are the main functions of Faculty Actions?

  • To review and approve all academic appointments and reappointments for full-time and part-time faculty, academic researchers, and non-compensated visitors
  • To review and approve requests for sabbatical and other leaves (including medical leave, childbirth leave, and workload reduction)
  • To support the tenure and promotion process
  • To review departmental merit recommendations
  • To support searches for new faculty hires and advise departments on faculty retentions and retirements
  • To advise departments on faculty development issues including mentoring and long-term career development
  • To administer supplemental domestic and foreign conference travel funds

Why would you contact Faculty Actions?

  • If you are planning to appoint a faculty member/postdoc/visitor and are uncertain of the standard procedures or paperwork
  • If you have questions about the appropriate compensation for a particular appointment
  • If you have questions regarding tenure and promotion policies and/or procedures
  • If you are seeking advice on mentoring or professional development for a faculty member/the department
  • If a faculty member has a question about sabbatical eligibility or a leave request
  • If you are conducting a faculty search and are ready to schedule on-campus interviews or make an offer to a potential candidate
  • If you have been invited to present a paper at a major conference and wish to request funding (more information about conference travel support here)