Greater Boston Digital Humanities Event

Hosted on the campus of Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, this digital humanities event will provide a hybrid meet-up designed to strengthen networks of collaboration in the greater Boston area. The regional hub is an opportunity for both digital humanists and those who are “DH curious” to learn more about DH in Boston and find new collaborators and friends. This event is supported by The Association for Computers in the Humanities in conjunction with their annual meeting. RSVP at The ACH Regional Hub meeting will take place between 2-5PM at MIT in the Hayden Library 14S-130 (The Nexus). It will include: 2-3 minute 'lightning talk' presentations on relevant DH topics: These are NOT conference papers, but extremely short, informal introductions/explanations of topics you are interested in or might be preparing for presentation at a future conference Discussion opportunities for various DH topics Brainstorming ideas for the future of the Boston DH initiative Discussion of the Boston DH mission statement

Register by: 11/13/2024
When 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm on Thursday, November 14, 2024
Location MIT, Hayden Library 14S-130 (The Nexus), 160 Memorial Dr, Cambridge, MA 02142
Contact Name Liz Neill
Contact Email
Contact Organization Boston Digital Humanities
Fees Free