Conversations with the Dean, Special Edition - Ballot Question 2

High Standards? High Stakes? How the MCAS Ballot Initiative (Question 2) could reshape standardized testing in Massachusetts schools.

This November, Massachusetts voters will be asked to consider putting an end to the state requirement that students pass a 10th grade MCAS assessment to graduate. The arguments for and against have reignited decades-old debates about how we uphold high expectations for what our students in the Commonwealth know and can do.

During this special edition of the Conversations with the Dean series, hear from a panel of BU Wheelock faculty with a range of perspectives on the question. The discussion will outline the case on both sides, as well as address the underlying issues driving the statewide effort.


Dean Penny Bishop will be joined by

•Jennifer Bryson, Senior Lecturer and Faculty Director of Educator Preparation

•Joshua Goodman, Associate Professor, Education Policy & Economics

•Pipier Smith-Mumford, Master Lecturer and Field Director for Education Leadership EdD

When 1:00 pm to 1:45 pm on Friday, November 1, 2024
Location Online/Zoom