Careers in Family Law with the Massachusetts Bar Association

Join the CDO and the Massachusetts Bar Association Family Law Section for a panel on careers in family law, including law firm practice and clerkships! The panel will discuss what family law is all about - panelists will provide information about what it is like day-to-day, both positive and negative, to practice in this field; how the panelists came to practice family law; what skills and knowledge are the most helpful / necessary as a family law attorney; and what to expect to confront and experience as an attorney in this field. Attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions during the panel and there will be an informal networking opportunity at the conclusion of the panel. Panelists: Stephanie Curtin, Esq., Associate, Brick Jones McBrien & Hickey Gabrielle Denby, Esq., Of Counsel, Todd & Weld Kristin Doeberl, Esq., Partner, Verrill Dana Denise Fitzgerald, Esq., Manager of Legal Research Services at the Probate and Family Court The Hon. Theresa A. Bisenius of the Middlesex Probate and Family Court Moderator: Samantha Lerner, Esq., Associate, Lee & Rivers

When 4:30 pm to 6:00 pm on Tuesday, October 8, 2024
Location Law, Charles River Room (5th Floor), 765 Commonwealth Ave