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- Dissertation Writing Group10:00 am
- Urban Inequalities Workshop: Dr. Louise Seamster12:00 pm
- Ancient Philosophy Work in Progress Talks12:00 pm
- Managing Anxiety2:30 pm
- Awkwardness by Alexandra Plakias talk2:30 pm
- Wheelock doctoral student and faculty happy hour4:00 pm
- Sharpen Your Focus4:00 pm
- Stress ReLeaf: Working with Tea for Calm & Focus4:00 pm
- Mindfulness Meditation5:00 pm
- Newbury Center & Marsh Chapel Thanksgiving Community Dinner5:00 pm
- November Craft and Snack6:00 pm
Dissertation Writing Group
The Dissertation Writing Group offers structured writing time and a community of like-minded peers where dissertators can make significant progress on your prospectus, dissertation or other related writing projects. Convening every Monday from 10AM to 1PM in the ERC (Room 545), the DWG begins with a brief goal setting exercise followed by focused writing time. At the end of the three-hour session, participants share their progress, reflect on the writing process and set concrete goals for the coming week. The DWG is facilitated by a member of the ERC team who will introduce guided reflections and share effective strategies to build into your writing routine. Look out for opportunities to apply to participate at the beginning of each semester! Plan to arrive a few minutes early to sign in and set up your workstation. As a courtesy to your fellow writers, you should also plan to stay for the duration of the three-hour session; late arrivals and early departures are disruptive. Graduate students who are looking for more support, time and community as they tackle writing projects from seminar papers to articles to dissertations can check out our many programs at the link attached.
When | 10:00 am to 1:00 pm on Monday, November 25, 2024 |
Location | ERC (Room 545) |
Contact Name | Maggie Boyd |