Law and Expertise | 2024 Boston University Law Review Symposium

Description: From the use of algorithms in criminal law to critiques of the administrativestate, the relationship between law and expertise sits at the heart of debates aboutdemocracy and governance. At this symposium we hope to explore a shared set ofquestions about the interactions between law and expertise: How does the law shape theformation of epistemic communities, both expert and non-expert? Who has the authorityto speak? When and why should we recognize expertise? What forms of expertise shouldwe value in a democratic society? How are developments in technology, in the economy,and in civil society redefining expertise in the law? How can law and proponents ofexpertise most effectively respond to contemporary challenges to and rejections of claimsof expertise? How are claims of expertise misused, both intentionally and unintentionally,to harm underrepresented communities? This symposium aims to gather leading scholarsto examine the current relationship between expertise and law and explore futuredirections.

When 9:00 am on 11/15/2024 to 3:45 pm on 11/16/2024
Location BU School of Law, 765 Commonwealth Ave