Terriers Connect Suicide Prevention Training (Staff & Faculty)

Update: This training is now full. Terriers Connect is a two-hour interactive training program designed for a wide variety of campus personnel and students (e.g., faculty, residence life staff, academic advisors, student groups, etc.) hosted by Student Health Services. A Terriers Connect gatekeeper training session includes: Review of college student suicide statistics and facts; discussion of suicide myths and warning signs; instruction on how to ask students if they are thinking about suicide and how to refer students to mental health professionals; review of effective communication and relationship-building skills; discussion of typical emotional reactions experienced both by students in crisis and responding gatekeepers; participation in experiential exercises; participation in a guided group role play. This session will be held on Zoom and is open to all BU faculty and staff.

When 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm on Monday, January 29, 2024