The IMF, COVID-19, and Climate Change

As the only global institution tasked with preventing and mitigating global financial instability, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has been called upon to play a crucial role in combatting the effects of two simultaneous crises: COVID-19 and climate change. Since the inception of the crisis, the IMF has provided strong global thought leadership in stressing that the path forward lies in attacking the virus, protecting the vulnerable, and mounting a green and inclusive recovery. On Wednesday, April 7, join the Boston University Global Development Policy Center and experts from the IMF’s Independent Evaluation Office and Freie Universitat, Berlin for a webinar discussion on IMF surveillance, COVID-19 and climate change. Additionally, the speakers will demonstrate three tracking tools, developed in collaboration with the GDP Center and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), to monitor IMF progress in these areas: - The Global Financial Safety Net Tracker, also produced with Freie Universitat, Berlin, tracks the annual lending capacity of the IMF, central banks and regional financial arrangements (RFAs) and the total amount of financing to combat the COVID-19 crisis via loans from the IMF, RFAs, and currency swaps. - The IMF COVID-19 Recovery Index – an interactive index scoring to what extent IMF COVID-19 response programs support the vulnerable, combat the virus, and promote a green and inclusive recovery from COVID-19. - The IMF COVID-19 Surveillance Monitor – a forthcoming interactive that examines to what extent the IMF incorporates health care, poverty, and a green recovery in its COVID-era surveillance efforts. Prakash Loungani, Assistant Director, Senior Personnel Manager of the IMF’s Independent Evaluation Office, will provide comments and insights on IMF surveillance efforts. Speakers: Kevin P. Gallagher: Director, Global Development Policy Center; Professor of Global Development Policy, Boston University Luma Ramos: Postdoctoral Researcher, Global Economic Governance Initiative, Global Development Policy Center, Boston University Franco Maldonado Carlin: Research Fellow, Global Economic Governance Initiative, Global Development Policy Center, Boston University Barbara Fritz: Professor of Economics, Economics of Latin America, Freie Universitat, Berlin, Germany, Prakash Loungani: Assistant Director, Senior Personnel Manager, Independent Evaluation Office, International Monetary Fund

When 9:30 am to 10:30 am on Wednesday, April 7, 2021
Location Zoom