Herbert Marbury: Moses in the African American Tradition

Herbert R. Marbury teaches at Vanderbilt University, Divinity School and researches how biblical texts come to have various meanings both in the ancient world and in the contemporary worlds of modern U.S. communities. In the ancient world, he focuses on Judah under Persian and Hellenistic imperial domination, which are the societies from which much of the literature of the Hebrew Bible emerged. In his first book, Imperial Dominion and Priestly Genius (Sopher Press, September, 2012) he focuses on Ezra-Nehemiah and asks, “What meaning(s) might Ezra-Nehemiah have held for elites in Persian Jerusalem?”

When 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm on Monday, November 16, 2020
Contact Organization Elie Wiesel Center for Jewish Studies
Fees Free