BU Dialogues in Biological Anthropology: Does Size Matter? Sexual Dimorphism in Human Evolution (1)

Among our closest animal relatives, males are bigger than females and have bigger natural weapons in [...]their fang-like canine teeth. But the amount of difference between the sexes varies in different species. In apes where males jealously guard and fight over females, the difference is large (gorillas, orangutans). Where males and females have similar options in choosing mates (gibbons, chimpanzees, bonobos), the difference between the sexes is small.

The difference is small in humans. But has this always been the case? Are we descended from pair-bonded, monogamous animals— or from creatures in which males fought each other for possession of females? These questions are hotly debated, because the pattern of sex differences in early human ancestors is not like that seen in any living ape.

In this recorded webcast, two experts on the evolution of sexual dimorphism, Dr. J. Michael Plavcan (University of Arkansas) and Dr. Phil Reno (Pennsylvania State University), discuss and debate their opposing views on these issues.

Tags: boston university, Anthropology

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