BUCLD 39 Online Proceedings Supplement
Edited by Elizabeth Grillo, Kyle Jepson, and Maria LaMendola
June 2015
Implicit Alternatives Insufficient for Children’s Implicatures with some
Athulya Aravind and Jill de Villiers
How Do Children Parse Naturalistic Input? A New Methodology
Sudha Arunachalam
The Linguistic and the Learner Default May Converge in Some Null-Subject Languages
Mailalen Iraola Azpiroz
The Role of Function Words and Prosody for Phrasal Parsing in Preverbal Infants
Mireille Babineau, Rushen Shi, and Andréane Melançon
Raising over an Experiencer in English L2 Acquisition
Jinsun Choe
Morphosyntactic Illusions in Down Syndrome: The Role of Phonetics and Phonology
Christiana Christodoulou
The Processing of Pronouns and the Production of Referring Expressions in L2 English
Carla Contemori and Paola E. Dussias
The Emerging Gesture-Speech Relationship in Preschoolers Who Do and Do Not Stutter
Laiah Factor, Lisa Gershkoff-Stowe, and Julie D. Anderson
Person and Number Asymmetries in Child Comprehension of Spanish Agreement and Object Clitics
Hannah Forsythe
The Acquisition of Co-referential Properties of Pronouns in Bilingual and L2 Spanish Speakers
Estela García-Alcaraz & Aurora Bel
Regularization or Probability-Matching? Acquisition of Inconsistent Gender Marking in Fering-Speaking Children
Alison Eisel Hendricks, Karen L. Miller, and Carrie N. Jackson
Quantifying the Relationship Between Infants’ Haptic and Visual Response to Word-Object Pairings
Kristi Hendrickson and Margaret Friend
Extending Ellipsis Research: The Acquisition of Sluicing in Dutch
Charlotte Lindenbergh, Angeliek van Hout, and Bart Hollebrandse
Are Second Language Learners Just as Good at Verb Morphology as First Language Learners?
Alexandra Marquis and Phaedra Royle
2-Year-Olds’ Comprehension of Personal Pronouns
Morgan Moyer, Kaitlyn Harrigan, Valentine Hacquard, Jeffrey Lidz
The Interpretation of Japanese Pronouns by L1 English and L1 Spanish Speakers
Tokiko Okuma
L2 Acquisition of Turkish Vowel Harmony and Knowledge of the Universal ‘No Crossing’ Constraint
Öner Özçelik and Rex A. Sprouse
Why are Infants Precocious Language Learners? Implications for Adult Second-Language Learning
Carolyn Quam, Andrew Lotto, Kimberly Golisch, Celeste Gallegos, and Lou Ann Gerken
Challenging the “Linguistic Incompetency Hypothesis”: Language Competency Predicts Code-Switching
W. Quin Yow and Ferninda Patrycia
The Acquisition of Nominal and Verbal Inflectional Morphology: Evidence from Basque Ergativity in Adult L2 Speakers
Itxaso Rodríguez-Ordóñez
Overgeneration of Indefinite Articles in Autism and SLI
Jeannette Schaeffer, Merel van Witteloostuijn, and Doatske de Haan
Perceptual Attrition of Lexical Tone among L1 Yoruba-speaking Children in Canada
Saliu Shittu and Anne-Michelle Tessier
Wh‐islands in Child Japanese Revisited
Koji Sugisaki and Keiko Murasugi