Elise Wien

Two alums receive EST/Sloan commissions

Ensemble Studio Theatre and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation have announced the EST/Sloan Project commissions for the 2023-2024 season, and two playwright alums are on the list—congratulations to Laura Neill and Elise Wien! (Side note: Applications for next year’s EST/Sloan play commissions will be accepted through Dec. 15.)

KCACTF honors for Pipes and Wien

Third-year playwright Eliana Pipes’s DREAM HOU$E is the recipient of the Kennedy Center American College Theater Festival’s (KCACTF) Harold and Mimi Steinberg National Student Playwriting Award. The award includes a check for $7,500, membership in the Dramatists Guild of America and the Playwrights’ Center of Minneapolis, and an offer of publication from Samuel French. First-year […]