Plays and playwrights of BTM XIX

Here is the official list of playwrights and plays selected for Boston Theater Marathon XIX on Sunday, May 14—mark your calendar!

Protecting the Innocent by Brent Askari

A Normal Story by Beirut Balutis

Emily Again by Mina Bloom & Leland Frankel

Spark by Barbara Blumenthal-Ehrlich

Swimming to Shore by Josh Brassard

Just One of Those Things by Alan Brody

Broken News by Robert Brustein

Thanks, Man by Caroline Burke

Seven Minutes in Heaven by Eugenie Carabatsos

Everyone’s Child by Delvyn Case, Jr.

Hijab by Andrea Fleck Clardy

The Taking Boy by Anna Cranage Conathan

Diamonds Unstrung, Falling by Constance Congdon

The Catch by Mary Conroy & Lesley Anne Moreau

Bernie and Bonnie by Kim Costigan

The Way Things Work by Olivia Cote

Italian Now by Charlene Donaghy

No Fault by William Donnelly

Palookaville by Charles Draghi

Greetings from Fallujah by Christine Evans

Protocol by Brenda Foley

Eden in Chains by Patrick Gabridge

Old and Ugly by Gary Garrison

You’re Home Now by Deirdre Girard

Pie in the Sky by Susan Goodell

Right Justified by MJ Halberstadt & K. Alexa Mavromatis

Diabetic Panda by Marc Harpin

I Suppose by Lawrence Hennessy

The Fiddler by Charles Hertz

Talking to Roses by Kimberly Holliday

Security by Israel Horovitz

Reversity by Terrence Kidd

Meta Mucilage by Bill Lattanzi

Labrats by Melinda Lopez

Diversity and Inclusion: A Report for Mrs. Abernathy’s 5th Grade Class by Jeni Mahoney

Lost Properties by Walt McGough

Broken by James McLindon

Chasing Olivia Through the Jungle by Mary Beth McNulty

Social Glue by Vicki Meagher

This is Marriage: Part II by Charlotte Meehan

Final Reckoning by Jack Neary

Two Face by Samuela Nematchoua

The Illegal Alien by Ronan Noone

What Happened to Dan? by Lloyd Pace

Lorax by Katherine Gee Perrone

Meeting by Theresa Rebeck

Occupy Hallmark by Cassie M. Seinuk

Medium, Well Done by George Smart

Cubs Win! by Marisa Smith

Speed Date by David Susman