**Our department does not offer a terminal masters program.**
- Students may not initially apply for a master’s degree alone.
- Students admitted to the PhD program may opt for a master’s degree en route to the PhD if they satisfy the appropriate requirements.
Degree Learning Outcomes
- Demonstrate graduate-level knowledge of astronomy and physics, including the following topics: fundamental physics and astrophysics; gravitation, electromagnetism, and quantum mechanics appropriate to astronomy; and the dynamical behavior of space and astrophysical plasmas.
- Demonstrate graduate-level knowledge of observational techniques used to study astronomical and space phenomena.
- Perform directed research within that discipline.
- Present directed research to a committee of faculty members and to a scientific audience.
Degree Requirements
The Graduate School of Arts & Sciences Bulletin outlines the requirements for the MA in Astronomy, including:
- 32 units of graduate coursework (at least 20 units must be at the 700-level)
- Thesis/comprehensive exam
Course Requirements
Students complete a total of
32 units of coursework in astronomy with a grade of B– or higher. At least 20 units of these must be from astronomy courses numbered 700–799.
Language Requirement
There is no foreign language requirement for this degree.
Thesis/Comprehensive Examination
The candidate must pass an oral examination by one of three means:
- writing a master’s thesis with an oral thesis defense
- a “masters pass” or “PhD Pass” on the PhD Oral Qualifying Examination
- a Masters Oral Comprehensive Examination
1) For a student who writes a master’s thesis, describing a research project carried out by the student and directed by a faculty member, the oral exam takes place as part of the thesis defense.
A master’s thesis must give evidence of the candidate’s ability to understand, critically evaluate, and competently carry forward a scientific investigation. This is achieved by advancing an experimental technique, by extending the application of a physical theory, or by collecting new scientifically relevant data or analyzing previously existing data. The thesis must demonstrate the candidate’s ability to present the results of their work in a logical and coherent manner. The thesis is judged in an oral examination administered by a committee of three faculty members, including the student’s advisor.
- The committee must approve a prospectus of the thesis at least three months before the oral examination.
2) For students taking the PhD Oral Qualifying Examination, achieving either a “masters pass” or a “PhD pass” will meet the master’s comprehensive examination requirement.
3) Alternatively, a student wishing to leave with an MA may have a Masters Oral Comprehensive Examination committee, consisting of three Astronomy faculty members, to query the student regarding their understanding of graduate-level physics, astrophysics, and space physics to ascertain mastery of these topics.
Graduate Advising
An Astronomy graduate student traditionally has two advisors: the Director of Graduate Studies and a research advisor. The Director of Graduate Studies serves as the academic advisor for all students in the program; a student’s research supervisor serves as their advisor for research activities and dissertation work.
Department Program Petition
Students seeking approval of changes to Astronomy Department rules and procedures related to the graduate program should complete the Department of Astronomy General Petition for Changes in Graduate Studies to request such changes. The completed petition form should be forwarded electronically to the student’s Faculty Advisor, then to the Director of Graduate Studies.
*Note: Requirements for petitioning changes to Graduate School rules can be found on the GRS Bulletin Policies website, and are not covered by the Astronomy Department petition form.