Lectures (March 24 through April 7)
Friday, March 24
- 12:00 PM BU Gastronomy How the Other Half Eats: The Untold Story of Food and Inequality in America
- Pépin Lecture Series: How the Other Half Eats
Monday, March 27
- 12:00 PM BUMC FDD Seminars-Quality over Quantity: The Journey to Make Value-Based Care a reality for Providers at BMC
- 5:00 PM BU Law: Let's Talk Wrongful Convictions
Tuesday, March 28
- 12:00 PM BU Pardee Europe’s Role in US Grand Strategy: Indispensable or Insufferable?
- 4:00 PM Flooded: Development, Democracy, and Brazil’s Belo Monte Dam—A Lecture by Peter Taylor Klein
Wednesday, March 29
- 12:00 PM BUMC FDD Seminars: What Does it Mean to Be Clinically Excellent (Inpatient)?
- 3:30 PM BUMC: 2023 Kayla Bell Memorial Lecture
Thursday, March 30
- 7:30 PM Robert Lowell Memorial Lecture
Friday, March 31
- 12:00 PM BUMC: Analytical Instrumentation Core Lab Seminar - BMG LABTECH’s CLARIOstar Plus High Performance Microplate Reader
- 12:45 PM Boston Phenomenology Circle
Monday, April 3
- 4:00 PM BU Pardee: Indigenous Languages & Cultures Week • Renzo Aroni Lecture & Art Fundraiser for Perú
- 5:00 PM EWC EWMLS with Professor Bilsky: "The Question of Restitution: From Post Holocaust to Post Colonial Struggles"
Tuesday, April 4
- 12:00 PM GSI Seminar Series: Dr. William Hwang
- 3:30 PM Bootstrap Justice: The Search for Mexico’s Disappeared
- 4:00 PM BU Pardee: Indigenous Languages & Cultures Week
- Klaus Brinkmann Memorial Lecture by Alfredo Ferrarin
- 6:00 PM Professor Perspectives: The Economics of Globalization- My Journey from Italy to Research at BU
Wednesday, April 5
- 2:00 PM The EU’s Energy Policy after Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine
- 4:00 PM BU Pardee: Indigenous Languages and Cultures Week
Thursday, April 6
- 12:45 PM BU Law "Marriage Equality: From Outlaws to In-Laws" A lecture featuring William N. Eskridge Jr, Yale Law School
- 4:00 PM BU Pardee: Indigenous Languages and Cultures Week
- 6:00 PM A Poetry Reading with Ghanaian/Jamaican poet Kwame Dawes and Irish poet John McAuliffe