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There are 2 comments on Transformative. Visionary. A Leader. BU Community Pays Tribute to President Brown

  1. My first exposure to President Brown was at an alumni mixer in Beverly Hills held shortly after his appointment. One alum asked a delicate question – ‘when, if ever, will BU be ranked in the top 50 American universities’? President Brown replied something to the effect: ‘Don’t fret; we will get there’. BU not only got there – but continues to notch up every year. Robert Brown did indeed transform the university during his tenure…building a legacy beyond the wildest and most optimistic expectations of the West Coast alums hearing his confident (and comforting words) in the midst of the embarassing Goldin fiasco that he inherited. As an English major, I also appreciated his focus on strenthening the College of Arts and Sciences (I still prefer the moniker ‘College of Liberal Arts’). Job well done; BU trustees made the right choice. Kudos to the Man.

  2. Thank you President Brown for your leadership and service. When you became president 2005 we worked together when I was volunteer leader as President of BU Alumni in New York City at that time a 38,000 alumni regional community with a ten member leadership board I managed of experienced in industry career accomplished professional alumni. I had been working in the BU Alumni group with roles in NYC since graduation 1990 for over 15 years at that point. We had great events together, some of which you attended with us with Terrier Pride. We together along with the Alumni Relations office encouraged our BU alumni to get involved from Friends of Hockey to Arts and Business toYoung Alumni networking events and career mentoring for all. As I reflect on your tenure I appreciate the consideration towards students and alumni in the greater global BU family that you have shown. Wishing you all the very best on your next step in the journey and thanking you for helping us on ours!

    Warm regards,

    Sophia Zouras
    CAS/COM BUCOP Program 1990
    Former President BU Alumni New York 2005-2007

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