• Joyce Hope Scott

    Joyce Hope Scott is a College of Arts & Sciences clinical professor of African American studies; she can be reached at hopescot@bu.edu. Profile

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There are 10 comments on POV: It’s Time for Reparations and Transitional Justice for African Americans

  1. Slavery has existed on the African continent and throughout the globe since ancient times and it continues to date. African tribal leaders routinely apprehended Africans and sold them to slave traders that included Africans.

    Kamala Harris is a descendant of Hamilton Brown, who is on record of being a plantation and slave owner in Jamaica.

    The “dog whistle” of “systemic racism” and an entitlement to reparations is a theatrical production by opportunists albeit with a narcissistic motivation for personal gratification, to draw attention, heighten visability and enhance image, and elevate self esteem.
    It is a compelling display of absurdism, particularly given that the Democrats procured black slaves, purveyed them with impunity and embraced and ensured jim crowism in the the Southeast and Southwest.

    All ethnicities have been enslaved sometime during their histories. Today, for example, an estimated one million Uyghurs in China are enslaved, beatened, tortured and killed. Members of Falun Gong, in China, are experiencing the same fate. Are you empathetic to their plight and suffering? Unlikely. These two elements routinely have their organs harvested alive and without anesthesia. Are you outraged? Unlikely.

    Slavery triggered a civil war here (12 April 1861 to 09 April 1865). An estimated 750,000 people were killed. Are you empathetic to their demise? and the civilians who suffered as well? Unlikely.

    The “dog whistle” of “systemic racism” angers and alienates most people of all colors…and today it is devoid of credibility.

    1. Do not try to diminish your US historical crimes against humanity by comparison to others who may yet face their own reparations that are to come.

  2. It’s difficult to understand many things in history including slavery. Having been born in 1942 I always thought as I do today that slavery is and was wrong.
    That said, assuming slavery never existed in the USA where would most blacks living in the USA today be living? Yes, Africa. Please name one country in Africa today that would be better than the USA for any race or religion?
    Let us not forget that blacks in Africa were responsible for selling other blacks into slavery. If reparations are due then it should be paid by today’s descends of black slave traders in Africa.

    1. So, you are really going to excuse all white people who bought slaves in America? This is some top-level white supremacist whatboutism nonsense.

  3. Another academic farce, circa 2020. Let’s look at it from a different angle. Slavery ended in 1865. The population of the USA was 31.5 million. Today we have a population of 328 million. Why should Nigerian, Russian or Filipino immigrants or their descendants pay anything to the descendants of slaves who were born here, are healthy, know the language and are familiar with the system and culture.

    The same arguments may be used for Italians, Jews and other ethnic groups who succeeded in the US. If the BU distinguished faculty who contributed to this article wishes to donate part of their salary, then it should be voluntary, but a Mexican immigrant who works 16 hours a day as a groundskeeper in Quincy should not be coerced into contributing to reparations for a past they did not participate in, influence or cause.

  4. Who should be paying the reparations? Should the countless number of immigrants that came to the United States years after slavery was abolished be held responsible? Should the black population be responsible to provide reparations to the Native Americans? The whole idea is preposterous!

  5. Reparations, if they became a reality, would be a tangible way for America to take responsibility for itself and its past and apologize for the brutal abomination of enslaving and consigning Black people and even their children yet born (and their children) to a life of excruciating pain, all for the profit that forms American wealth today. A wealth they benefit from regardless of when they became Americans.
    The fact that so many white Americans continue to make excuses for denying reparations can only mean one thing; white Americans are simply not sorry, carry no remorse, and refuse any responsibility for the monstrous system of chattel slavery that made America wealthy. There is no other plausible explanation.

  6. The 13th Amendment, adopted on December 18, 1865, officially abolished slavery. I know that for a long time plus still are a lot of black Americans feel that people that had slaves burn in the lake of fire for eternity and in the worst part. I don’t thank it is fair to treat people now the same as the people back when white people did own black slaves and that is profiling. Innocent white people shouldn’t be penalized with having to pay reparation for slavery plus there are black churches that feel that slave drivers burn in hell for eternity. Slavery is very wrong and I’m glad for the inspiration that Martin Luther King left forever for equal rights! Also there is a whole lot of profiling innocent police officers of all ethnic groups the same as guilty ones even recently. That is very wrong and people wanting to defund the police department is profiling innocent individuals as the same as the individuals that have done wrong. There needs to be law and order. I just don’t understand why there is so much craziness and I’m not for it!

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