• Michelle Samuels

    Communications Senior Writer and Editor Twitter Profile

    Michelle Samuels (GRS’16) is communications senior writer and editor at the School of Public Health.  Profile

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There is 1 comment on Police Brutality Influenced by Residential Segregation, Not “a Few Bad Apples”

  1. The bias is a result of these officers working in low income neighborhoods with high crime. In many parts of the country these neighborhoods are primarily made up of black and Hispanic residents, though Thats not always the case.

    Officers who work in those areas will be exposed to more crimes, more use of force, and more shootings. According to FBI and other govt studies, although black people make up ~15% of the population in the US, they’re committing the majority of violent crimes. again this ties into them living in poverty stricken neighborhoods, and nothing to do with their skin color.

    As far as the disparity between white and black police shootings, naturally the group that commits more crimes will end in more shootings.

    The author is right in that these neighborhoods need to be addressed. Children need to grow up with role models, with more after school programs, drug free homes, and adults need access to higher paying jobs, transition from section 8 housing, and financial guidance/support.

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