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There are 2 comments on Can Sex and Spirituality Coexist at College?

  1. This story seems to have the age-old viewpoint and message that “sex is dirty” or is something that people have to avoid or stifle, a sin. Not everyone believes in god, and many who don’t have great romantic relationships and feel no “spiritual loss”. There are other, more eloquent, ways of articulating that personal relationships and social skills should be exercised in fields beyond stupid, drunken, theme parties. Students can learn to take responsibility for their own social, sexual decisions and live happily without regret and without holding a bible up and trying to preach wherever they go. Think about the practical risks and the need for safe sex behaviors not whether, “Would Jesus Hook-Up?”

  2. I had no idea that “the vast majority of the students who promote and buy into this culture don’t like it for themselves. . . . They’re not comfortable with the behaviors they see on campus.” I thought that just about no one in this culture saw any connection between spirituality and sexuality except the “traditionally” religious, often very conservative, students. Apparently, from Dr. Freitas’s research, it is not just the religiously conservative students who react negatively to the lack of boundaries. I am curious why so many who do not like the “hook-up culture” are not more outspoken against it. We seem to have no trouble in speaking out against other things that we do not like politically or socially in our culture. Why do we put up with these attitudes and behavior that we feel are “far too sexually explicit?”

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