Helping by the Book

Jac Woods (COM’08) is collecting used books to benefit Books for Africa, a group that supplies textbooks to African schools and libraries. "

May 14, 2007
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Jac Woods (COM'08) is collecting used books to benefit Books for Africa, a group that supplies textbooks to African schools and libraries.

Just as students are preparing to abandon, trash, or even burn their textbooks, Jac Woods (COM’08), along with the Community Service Center and the student groups Facilitating Opportunities for Refugee Growth and Empowerment (FORGE) and the Golden Key Society, is offering a philanthropic alternative. They are collecting used books to benefit Books for Africa, a group that supplies textbooks to African schools and libraries. 

Big green donation bins are located in the lobbies of most dorms, in the George Sherman Union, and in several academic buildings, including the College of Arts and Sciences, Sargent College, the College of Communication, and the School of Management. All the donated books will be shipped to Better World Books, which will sell them online, with 50 cents per sale going to each student group and the rest donated to Books for Africa. Books that don’t sell will be shipped directly to Books for Africa.

“It’s going very well,” says Woods. “Most of the collection boxes are at least halfway full.” Since the drive began on April 27, the groups have shipped 14 bins worth of books to Better World Books. The goal is to collect 7,000 books before the drive ends on May 15. 

Kathleen Dowling can be reached at


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Helping by the Book

  • Kathleen Dowling (COM’07)

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