Archaeology Seminar Series

Archaeology Seminar Series Fall 2018

All talks 12:20-1:15 pm Wednesdays in STO 253, unless otherwise indicated


Speaker Location Date/Time
Bryan Burns, Wellesley College

Honoring the Dead Through Monuments and Miniatures: Excavations at Eleon in Central Greece


STO 253



Sept. 19,

12:20 PM

Natalie Munro, University of Connecticut

The Emergence of Animal Management in the Southern Levant


STO 253



Oct. 3

12:20 PM

Ellery Frahm, Yale University

A Neanderthal, a human, and a turtle walk across a landscape: Reconstructing Palaeolithic mobility in Southwest Asia

STO 253



Oct. 17,

12:20 PM

Leslie Reeder-Myers, Temple University

Ancient Oysters and Modern Messes: How Archaeology Can Help Clean Up Urban Estuaries


STO 253



Oct. 31,

12:20 PM

Faculty Spotlight: David Carballo, Boston University

Households and Communities at Teotihuacan, Mexico: Perspectives on the Past and Present


Lunch will be provided


STO 253



Nov. 14,

12:20 PM

Lucas Proctor, University of Connecticut

Fueling Complexity: Archaeobotanical Approaches to Fuel Economies and Early Urbanism in Northern Mesopotamia


STO 253



Nov. 28,

12:20 PM

Samuel Munoz, Northeastern University

Muddy Perspectives: Recent Advances in the Application of Geoscience in Archaeology


STO 253



Dec. 12,

12:20 PM