Rethinking the roots of addiction. Can you manage alcoholism in much the same way as diabetes or epilepsy? This year BU was one of 10 institutions in the country to introduce an accredited residency program in addiction medicine.

Boston Red Sox, Behind the Lens.

What’s it like to be a visiting dentist in a place where taking a bottle of Coke to bed with you is considered ok?

Meet this year’s winner of the Metcalf Cup and Prize for Excellence in Teaching.

Enabling nanoparticles to kill from the inside out.

A Boston brothel reveals its secrets.

She won a National Book Critics Circle Award for nonfiction. Isabel Wilkerson, a Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter and a COM professor of journalism, has been working to bring the story of America’s black migrants to life.

Two exhibits at BU celebrate the 25th anniversary of South Africa’s Caversham Press.

Meet BU’s new provost.

See how this CAS alum creates her mesmerizing designs.

How one alum uses old bikes to help change the world.

Dean Elmore takes the plunge.

Celebrate an association with the Peace Corps that’s lasted 50 years.

LGBT stories offer messages of hope.

Who was the ruthless Queen Njinga?

The world's best diet was created at BU.

He created a literary lifeline for the homeless.

Bacevich and Prothero ponder the role of religious impulses in American foreign policy.

John Holland on the thrill of playing basketball.

Ajami expert wins a Guggenheim. Although long ignored by colonial powers and the West, Ajami is found in villages all over Senegal, Guinea, and Niger, where it remains a leading written language of commerce, legal documents, journals, and even poetry.

Leftovers get a do-over.

What is the president's four-pronged global vision for BU?